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4/19/2D16 eGrants - Project Summary (MAKE SURE YOU CLOSE THIS PAGE ill) <br />Print This Page <br />Agency Name: Paris Police Department <br />Grant/App: 3046101 Start Date: 6/1/2016 End Date: 5/30/2017 <br />Project Title: Body Cameras <br />Status: Application Pending Submission <br />Narrative Information <br />Introduction <br />Information related to this program is in the CJD funding announcement for the Body -Worn Camera Program. <br />& uploads <br />In the Summary.Upload Files subtab of this application, please upload a letter from the local district or county attorney who prosecutes <br />felony crimes in your jurisdiction expressing that they intend to actively use the evidence created through the use of body cameras and <br />will participate in the law enforcement agency's BWC policy development. <br />If applicable, also upload a letter from the county sheriff regarding participation in U.S. Department of Homeland Security programs (see <br />below under Certifications "Y) <br />Before filing for reimbursement funds under this grant program, upload a copy of a resolution from the governing body of the applicant <br />containing the text of the sample resolution available here. <br />B. Project Information <br />Proposed number of officers to be equipped: <br />46 <br />Number of cameras to purchased In project budget (number reported cannot exceed the number of officers equipped): <br />46 <br />C. Organization Information <br />The number of licensed officers directly employed by the applicant agency: <br />60 <br />The number of licensed, front -line officers who are engaged in traffic or highway patrol or otherwise regularly detain or stop motor <br />vehicles, or are primary responders who respond directly to calls for assistance from the public: <br />42 <br />Section 2: Certifications <br /> project/ GrwFrintedeSummary .aspx?PriniCode= 4&gh =7C -W 70- 2A- AA- AB- 63C6- 3D- gC- CE -B5.1 D -E7 -09.1 B&PriruPageHead .. 1/3 <br />