1. City Council- 77.81%. The overage amounts to $14,404 and is due to payment for public notices,
<br />building maintenance, and making the annual property and general liability insurance payment.
<br />The City chose to make one annual insurance payment instead of quarterly payments in order to
<br />take advantage of a 2.00% discount which amounted to $12,113 city wide. This annual payment
<br />will be reflected in all departments and will somewhat distort budget to actual comparisons.
<br />2. City Manager - 59.82 %. The overage amounts to $5,520 and is due to building maintenance and
<br />the annual liability insurance payment.
<br />3. City Attorney - 64.47 %. The overage amounts to $26,965 and is primarily due to payment of
<br />benefits due the former city attorney, but payments to the delinquent tax attorney are based on
<br />a percentage of collection and collections have been substantial this year contributing to the
<br />overage.
<br />4. Finance - 60.10 %. The overage amounts to $7,448 and is due to the annual insurance payment,
<br />travel, and copier lease.
<br />5. Police- 62.86 %. The overage amounts to $275,217 and is due to overtime, office supplies,
<br />uniforms, the annual insurance payment, minor apparatus, travel expenses, emergency
<br />notification service, lease & maintenance of equipment, and the purchase of vehicles.
<br />6. Fire - 65.05 %. The overage amounts to $294,712 and is due to overtime, minor apparatus, annual
<br />insurance payment, postage, training, building maintenance, and the annual payment on a fire
<br />truck.
<br />7. Public Works - 63.50 %. The overage amounts to $10,638 and is due to the annual insurance
<br />payment, office supplies, car allowance, and EDP expenses.
<br />8. Streets - 63.97 %.The overage amounts to $84,010 and is due to the annual insurance payment,
<br />contract labor, contract services, sidewalks /curbs, building maintenance, and street repairs.
<br />9. EMS - 61.55 %. The overage amounts to $75,230 and is due to overtime, liability insurance, travel,
<br />training, building maintenance, equipment maintenance, and purchase of equipment.
<br />10. Cox Field Airport - 68.03 %. The overage amounts to $10,025 and is due to building & grounds
<br />maintenance, consultants, and the annual insurance payment.
<br />11. Library - 60.09 %. The overage amounts to $12,204 and is due to the annual insurance payment,
<br />books & media, postage, and utilities.
<br />12. General Expenses - 66.67 %. The overage amounts to $133,407 and is due to the annual
<br />insurance payment, minor apparatus, equipment maintenance, phone expense, employee
<br />recognition banquet, and the annual payments to the non - profit agencies.
<br />13. Warehouse - 59.25 %.The overage amounts to $983 and is due to uniforms and vehicle
<br />maintenance.
<br />14. Water Billing- 60.63 %. The overage amount to $52,346 and is due to the purchase of radio read
<br />meters for replacement of old meters.
<br />15. Water Distribution - 60.65 %. The overage amounts to $37,183 and is due to the annual insurance
<br />payment, railroad ROW crossings, restroom at spray park, and equipment purchases.
<br />16. Lift Stations - 67.07 %. The overage amounts to $39,230 and is due to the annual insurance
<br />payment, electricity, training, travel, equipment maintenance, and the purchase of equipment.
<br />