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PEDC Board Meeting Minutes <br />July 21, 2016 <br />Page 2 of 6 <br />nomination. The vote was 4 -0. The next to be elected was Secretary/Treasurer. Mr. Banks nominated <br />Mr. Wilson. Mr. Manning seconded the motion. The vote was 4 ayes -0 nays. <br />Discuss and possibly approve Minutes of the June 23, 2016, Monthly Meeting and the June 30, <br />2016, Special Meeting. <br />Mr. Manning asked if everyone had read the minutes and if there were any corrections to them. Mr. <br />Banks made a motion to accept both of the minutes as presented. Mr. Wilson seconded the motion. The <br />vote was 4 ayes -0 nays. <br />Discuss and possibly approve June 2016 Financials. <br />Mr. Banks had questions on the Cash Out report; he did not see Telephone and Insurance for Mr. Paris. <br />The July Cash Out Report will have three months of Telephone for Mr. Paris, there were issues with <br />his phone carrier. The Insurance was listed under Personnel/Medical & Life Insurance. Mr. Banks <br />stated that he thought we were done with RPM Staffing after Paula Brownfield was hired as a PEDC <br />full -time employee. He did not see anything on the agenda that Chris Stout was through RPM. Mr. <br />Paris stated that "Paula and I were going to work together and spend some time and let the dust settle ". <br />Chris came in to help with the electronic filing. Mr. Wilson talked about The Depot Operations and <br />how next year we are going to change some of the categories. Mr. Banks asked about how long our <br />agreement is with JC Darnell. He thought it was for a certain number of months and we should be <br />looking at the agreement again. Mr. Wilson reminded us that when we bought the E -file Cabinet <br />System there were more computer items that JC Darnell is handling for us. Mr. Banks made a motion <br />to accept to the June Financials as presented. Mr. Wilson seconded the motion. The vote was 4 ayes — <br />0 nays. <br />Discuss and possibly approve the PEDC matching a $25,000 High Demand Job Training grant <br />with Paris Junior Colleae receiving the funding. The grant application is submitted through the <br />Northeast Texas Workforce Board. <br />Dr. Anglin reminded the Board that last year we approved to match the funding PJC <br />could get from the High Demand Job Training Grant and with the grant and the PEDC <br />matching funds they purchased a CNC lathe. PJC will start training students on the CNC <br />lathe this fall. This year if the college receives the funding, they will purchase <br />mechatronics trainers for their lab. This equipment trains students to work on the <br />mechanized equipment which companies like Campbell's Soup, Kimberly Clark, and <br />other companies have. The students who take this training are PJC regular students, <br />students sent from industry, and dual- credit students (those in high school taking extra <br />college course work). Mr. Banks asked if there was any other way to get the funds that <br />Dr. Anglin was requesting. Dr. Anglin explained how they apply for all grants with <br />equipment knowing they can use it in the Workforce Programs. Mr. Banks was concerned <br />that Type A Economic Development Corporations aren't allowed to spend money on this <br />type of funding. Dr. Anglin thought last year when they applied for the High Demand Job <br />