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As can be seen by the enclosed location map, the three lots outlined in purple represent past <br />approval of these lots for the development of a mobile home; all lots have been and are zoned <br />SF -3. However, no mobile homes have ever been constructed on these three lots: A lot had the <br />SUP for a mobile home approved on January 11, 1993 and is located at the northeast corner of <br />NW 14th Street and Walker Street and the lot is currently vacant; and a lot had the SUP approved <br />on July 10, 1989 and is located one lot west of the subject property, and the lot is currently <br />vacant; and a lot had the SUP approved on September 12, 1983, and is located at the southeast <br />corner of Walker Street and 16d` Street NW and the site now has a duplex residential unit located <br />upon this property. Further, all these SUP's have expired, since Section 12. Specific Use Permits <br />states "(35) mobile home in SF -3 district with the further restriction that single —wide mobile <br />homes may only receive a specific use permit for a period not to exceed five (5) years with <br />renewals permitted." It is possible for a position to be taken that in this immediate subject <br />neighborhood where three mobile home permits have been granted, although they have not been <br />implemented, it can be said that in the past, at least, the commission and council considered this <br />area as suitable for mobile homes. <br />Option 2: Recommend denial of this rezoning request. <br />At the request of the City Council, the city staff is now in the process of recommending to the <br />Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council the elimination entirely of stand —alone <br />mobile homes from the One - Family Dwelling Zoning District (SF -3) through the Specific Use <br />Permit process. The purpose for this decision is that the Council wishes to optimize the SF -3 <br />single— family zone as a traditional single — family residential district, with traditional single — <br />family houses, and to allow for stand —alone mobile homes only in mobile home parks. The staff <br />is therefore in the process of recommending that stand —alone mobile homes only be allowed in <br />the Light Industrial (LI) Zoning District as a permitted use and only within Mobile Home Parks; <br />presently Mobile Home Parks are only allowed in the LI district and as a permitted use. If this <br />subject mobile home request is approved by the City Council, all existing mobile homes located <br />within the SF -3 zoning districts in Paris will become legal non — conforming uses, and would be <br />regulated by Section 15. Non - Conforming Uses and Structures in the Zoning Ordinance. Hence, <br />by not allowing approval of a mobile home on this Walker Street site, the council's desire to <br />eliminate mobile homes from the SF -3 Zone would be advanced. <br />At its October 3rd meeting, the Commission unanimously approved the above — stated Option 2 <br />and therefore is recommending to the City Council denial of this mobile home request. Staff <br />supports the Commission's recommendation. <br />RECOMMENDATION: Re -open the public hearing first opened on September 12, 2016 and <br />thereafter deny a change of zoning from a Single— Family Dwelling District No. 3 (SF -3) to a <br />3 <br />