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$50,800.00 and the total expenses were 48,000 dollars which puts us ahead. Second is <br />two sponsors have not paid yet PRMC and Orr Honda both were $2,500 dollar sponsors. <br />Last, the City of Paris total income was 6,522.92 and the total expenses was $10,503.00. <br />Mr. Godwin stated that the Air Show was bigger than we anticipated but it turned out <br />really well. We had a debriefing about a week after the event to discuss what we can <br />improve on next year. <br />5. Update on the PEDC subcommittee. <br />Paula Portugal stated that the subcommittee is looking at other smaller cities to compare <br />airports. We are looking into updating our City Airport webpage and available hangar <br />space. We are also looking at private investors, tax abatements and sales tax rebates. Mr. <br />Godwin stated he spoke with Michael Paris and they are going to submit a report to <br />Council either September 12th or 26th. Mr. Godwin further stated our new hangars will <br />start development in 2017. <br />6 Requested items for future agendas. PEDC meeting updates, delinquent hangars, <br />discussing of development opportunities and use of existing hangars. <br />7. Meeting adjourned at 5:57 p. m. <br />APPROVED THIS 15TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2016. <br />Chairman <br />