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Regular Council Meeting <br />January 9, 2017 <br />Page 4 <br />public purpose. Mr. Godwin said there were at least two property owners who would benefit, <br />and added a lot of problems were inherited because either there were no codes or the codes were <br />not enforced at that time. Council Member Trenado said if it was constitutional to correct this <br />problem, then he would like to do so. Council Members Jenkins and Lancaster agreed with <br />Council Member Trenado. <br />It was a consensus of City Council that the City Attorney study this issue and advise the <br />City Council. It was also a consensus if the City could constitutionally work on this property, for <br />the staff come up with a plan and bring back a cost estimate. <br />A Motion to move item 25 forward on the <br />seconded by Council Members Clifford and Trenado. <br />25. Discuss and act on administering of <br />shelter. <br />Keith Flowers with the Lamar Coi <br />proposing at no cost to the City that while a <br />hours that all dogs get the kennel c vacci <br />were willing to donate money for <br />and the City Council to make whateve aj <br />dog gets kennel cough, they had to eutze <br />that had ordinances that 1 ,,, W for temti� r <br />made by Mayor Hashmi and <br />ed, 7 ayes — 0 nays. <br />to dogs at the animal <br />sociatiori � lamed they were <br />y hold," wh! ,was the first 72 <br />explained they had people who <br />could get the police department <br />to do that. Mr. Flowers said if a <br />41ev said there were other cities <br />A Motion toyorize th y staff tthe necekay amendments to the ordinance <br />was made by Mayor i and onded b �Z uncil Member Lancaster. Motion carried 7 <br />�- <br />ayes — 0 nays.:::,_ <br />.. <br />13. wive mput�citiz egardmg eat and parks bond projects, discuss, and provide <br />ction to cityv a <br />May f,,O ashmi said ti discuW this at the December 12 meeting and they had an <br />opportunity to s e t the city rate to sell bonds for capital improvements, but keep a lower <br />net rate for tax p rs because the upcoming reduction in the PJC rate. Mayor Hashmi <br />explained they woufc� yell apnately $11 million in bonds. He further explained there were <br />two options an d one w s�10c 1, ie certificates of obligation and the other was to place it on a <br />ballot. Mayor Hashmi said, had received only positive comments and he favored certificates <br />of obligation at this point. Council Members Jenkins, Trenado and Lancaster agreed with Mayor <br />Hashmi. Council Member Frierson said he had received some push back on this from citizens. <br />He inquired about the amount normally issued by the City. Mr. Anderson said he could research <br />it, but he knew the City had issued $5 million in bonds in the past and was confident they had not <br />gone over $10 million. Council Member Frierson inquired how the $11 million was reached and <br />Mayor Hashmi said from the PJC annexation. Council Member Frierson said several people <br />thought they were capitalizing on the PJC vote and forcing a tax rate increase. Mayor Hashmi <br />said yes, the City was capitalizing on the PJC vote and were raising the tax rate, but that citizens <br />