<br />40. Halfway House —A facility that provides training, care, supervision, treatment, or
<br />rehabilitation to emotionally and mentally disturbed persons, the aged, disabled, those
<br />convicted of crimes or those suffering the effects of drugs or alcohol; this does not include
<br />day -care centers, family day -care homes, foster homes, schools, hospitals, jails, or prisons.
<br />41. Hazardous Waste Disposal Facility —All structures, other appurtenances, and
<br />improvements on the land used for treating, storing, or disposing of hazardous waste,
<br />including all operations of storage areas, diked overflow, or emergency spillway areas. A
<br />hazardous waste disposal facility may consist of several treatment, storage, or disposal
<br />operational units; it includes all areas where hazardous waste may be received, stored,
<br />handled, or processed.
<br />42. Hazardous Waste Processing Facility —Any commercial facility, as defined (state rules)
<br />for which a (state) pollution control agency permit is required, treating hazardous waste
<br />generated at any off -site location, that is designed and operated to modify the chemical
<br />composition or chemical, physical, or biological properties of a hazardous waste by means
<br />such as reclamation, distillation, precipitation, or other similar processes, which
<br />neutralizes the waste or renders it nonhazardous, safer for transport, amenable for
<br />recovery, storage, or reduced in volume expecting "elementary neutralizing units" and
<br />"pretreatment units," as defined in (state) rules. Hazardous waste processing does not
<br />include incineration or disposal.
<br />43. Health Spa —A place or building where active exercise and related activities are
<br />performed utilizing weight control or muscle building equipment or apparatus for the
<br />purpose of physical fitness. Also, a place or building that provides massage, exercise, and
<br />related activities with or without such equipment or apparatus.
<br />44. Homeless Shelter —A facility providing temporary housing to indigent, needy,
<br />homeless, or transient persons; may also provide ancillary services such as counseling,
<br />vocational training, etc., but not including orphanages or foster homes, operated by a non-
<br />profit religious, educational, or philanthropic institution.
<br />45. Home Occupations —A home occupation is an occupation conducted as an accessory
<br />use in or from a residential dwelling or its accessory building by persons whose principal
<br />residence is on the premises, and which use has no more affect on adjoining property than
<br />normal residential use. Home occupations include those uses as permitted and regulated in
<br />section 8 -500 hereof. (Ord. No. 2005 -053, § 2, 9- 26 -05)
<br />46. Hospice Residential Care Facility —A freestanding licensed hospice facility which
<br />provides palliative and supportive medical and other health services to meet the physical,
<br />psychological, social, spiritual, and special needs and /of terminally ill patients and their
<br />families in a residential setting.
<br />47. Head Shops -This definition shall be eliminated.
<br />48. Hospital (acute care) —An institution where sick or injured patients are given medical
<br />or surgical treatment intended to restore them to health and an active life and which is
<br />licensed by the State of Texas.
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