<br />49. Hospital (chronic care) —An institution where those persons suffering from generally
<br />permanent types of illness, injury, deformity, deficiency or age are given care and
<br />treatment on a prolonged or permanent basis and which is licensed by the State of Texas.
<br />50. Household Appliance Service and Repair, including radio and television, but not
<br />involving the use of equipment which generates noise, odor or electrical frequencies so as
<br />to interfere with the use and enjoyment of adjacent property.
<br />51. Institutions of Religious or Philanthropic Nature — Institutions sponsored or operated
<br />by organizations established for religious or philanthropic purposes including orphans'
<br />homes, aged homes, training and educational facilities, meeting establishments and places
<br />of residence.
<br />52. Massage Establishment —An establishment where, for any form of consideration,
<br />massage, alcohol rub, fomentation, electric or magnetic treatment, or similar treatment or
<br />manipulation of the human body is administered, unless such treatment or manipulation is
<br />administered by a medical practitioner, chiropractor, acupuncturist, physical therapist, or
<br />similar professional person licensed by the state. This definition does not include an
<br />athletic club, health club, school, gymnasium, reducing salon, spa, or similar establishment
<br />where massage or similar manipulation of the human body is offered as an incidental or
<br />accessory service.
<br />53. Medical Marijuana Dispensary— A facility where marijuana is made available for
<br />medical purposes; this also includes establishments from which marijuana is delivered to
<br />patients who cannot obtain it from a dispensary due to physical or mental disability, for
<br />medical purposes in compliance with local health and safety codes.
<br />54. Medical Waste Facility— A facility used to store and /or repackage medical waste for
<br />transportation to a processing facility.
<br />55. Mental Health Facility —Any individual, association, group or other entity at one
<br />location whose primary purpose is to provide services for the care, treatment, habilitation,
<br />or rehabilitation of the mentally ill, the developmentally disabled, or substance abusers,
<br />and includes any area facility, licensable facility, private facility, residential facility, state
<br />facility, 24 -hour facility, or Veterans Administration facility.
<br />56. Microbrewery —A facility for the production and packaging of malt beverages of low
<br />alcoholic content for distribution, retail, wholesale, on or of premises, with a capacity of not
<br />more than 15,000 barrels per year. The development may include other uses such as a
<br />standard restaurant, bar or live entertainment as otherwise permitted in the zoning
<br />district.
<br />57. Package Store —A building or structure designed for a use requiring a package store
<br />permit by the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission
<br />58. Paint Shop, but excluding all cooking or baking or varnish, paint or lacquer.
<br />59. Private Club —Shall be as defined by Article 666 -15e of Vernon's Annotated Penal
<br />Code and amendments thereto.
<br />60. Railroad Track and Right -of -Way, but not including railroad stations, sidings, team
<br />tracks, loading facilities, docks, yards or maintenance areas.
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