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MINUTES <br />REGULAR MEETING <br />CITY OF PARIS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION <br />MONDAY OCTOBER 28, 2013 <br />4:00 O'CLOCK P.M. <br />The meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was called to order at 4:02 p.m. by Chair <br />Ben Vaughan. <br />A. The following commissioners were present: Chair Ben Vaughan, Nancy <br />Anderson, Lauri Redus, Douglas Cox, Beatrice Ardila <br />B. David Stewart as absent and 1 position is vacant. <br />C. Also present: Joey Sleeper, Historic Preservation Officer; Melissa Wickersham <br />and Janet Grammer (applicants); Robert Talley, Code Enforcement Supervisor <br />2. Approval of minutes from previous meetings. (October 7 and October 9, 2013) <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Redus and seconded by Commissioner Anderson to <br />approve the minutes as written. The motion carried 5-0. <br />3. Election of Vice Chair. <br />A motion was made by Chair Vaughan and seconded by Commissioner Anderson to <br />nominate Commissioner Cox as Vice Chair. The motion carried 5-0. <br />4. Consideration of and action on the following Certificate of Appropriateness: <br />Fagade renovation and sign, Creative Candy Designs & Emporium, 138 Lamar <br />Avenue, Melissa Wickersham and Janet Grammer <br />Chair Vaughan introduced the item and called the applicant, Melissa Wickersham. Ms. <br />Wickersham explained that she has an existing business at 115 S. Main Street that she is <br />relocating to the subject property. She further explained that Howard Langner, Texas <br />Historical Commission, had visited the site and recommended a fagade design for the <br />building, and that she proposed to reconstruct the fagade according to that design. Chair <br />Vaughan asked if the building had a second floor, which the applicant answered that this <br />portion of the building is a single story building and was previously used as a gym. <br />Commissioner Anderson asked if there were mosaic tile panels behind the metal siding. <br />Ms. Wickersham stated that there did not appear to be tile behind the metal siding, but the <br />contractor would need to remove portions of the old fagade to determine what was behind. <br />She further explained that Mr. Langner suggested not disturbing the existing mosaic tile <br />because of the uncertainty of what was behind. Commissioner Anderson asked if the <br />storefront would be moved out toward the sidewalk, which the applicant answered that <br />they would leave it recessed according to the suggested design rendering. Mr. Sleeper <br />explained that the existing sidewalk was sloped and that city was in planning stages of <br />replacing sidewalks along that block. Chair Vaughan asked if the existing ramp was safe <br />