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D. The Plaza — Southeast Corner — Cheri Bedford, Main Street Coordinator <br />presented the petition. Ms. Bedford stated that Ms. Louise Haygood is donating a <br />stand along clock to be placed on the fountain side of the Plaza. Ms. Bedford <br />stated that the best location for the clock to be visible is on the Southeast corner. <br />Commissioners asked if there was a better location. Shawn Napier stated that <br />after careful review of the site, it was determined that the clock would be most <br />visible on the southeast corner. Ms. Bedford further stated that Ms. Haygood <br />would like to have a plaque in her husband's honor placed at the base of the <br />clock. Commissioners voiced concerns of a monument style marker and <br />suggested a bronze plaque to be placed at ground level at the base of the clock. <br />Ms. Bedford stated she would suggest this to Ms. Haygood and come back to <br />HPC with the plaque for approval. Motion was made by Susan Scholz, seconded <br />by Douglas Cox to approve the COA. Motion carried 5 -0. <br />4. Future agenda items. Sub - committee to look at the possible uses for the Grand Theater <br />and the reconstruction of the fagade. <br />8. Meeting adjourned at 4:20 p.m. <br />APPROVED THIS 22 "d DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2,Uo _� <br />Arvin arrett, Chairman <br />