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structurally sound and the roof is not leaking at the time. Mr. Malone asked that <br />the property be removed from the demolition list. <br />Mrs. Louise Hagood of 556 Fitzhugh, Paris, TX asked to speak at this time. <br />Mrs. Hagood stated that Mr. Malone has owned the house for 25 years and hasn't <br />done anything in all that time. <br />Mrs. Sheryl Larkin Wood of 501 SE Bch Apt. A, Paris, TX asked to speak. She <br />stated that she has personally seen Mr. Malone working on his house and believed <br />he deserved time to continue the repairs. <br />Motion was made by Vicki Ballard, seconded by Lee Ann Barbee to allow <br />Mr. Malone 90 days to paint the outside of the house and make it secure. <br />Motion carried unanimously. 7 -0 <br />Request was made by Robert Talley to move to item 3 (F), 424 Fitzhugh; Lot 6, City Block <br />66 -A <br />D. 424 Fitzhugh; Lot 6, City Block 66 -A <br />Owner: Stevie Von Jackson, 1211 Martin Luther King Paris, Texas 75460 <br />Robert Talley showed the Commission that the property at 424 Fitzhugh is <br />unsecure, missing windows and wood, has roof deterioration and the floor looks <br />to be missing. <br />Robert Talley's recommendation: 30 days to demolish if not the City has the right <br />to demolish and apply a $1000 per day civil penalty. <br />Motion was made by Johnny Norris, seconded by Wendell Moore to follow <br />Robert Talley's recommendation for the property owner to demolish the <br />property in 30 days, if not the City has the right to demolish and apply a <br />$1000 per day civil penalty to the property. Motion carried unanimously. 7 -0 <br />Request was made by Robert Talley to move to item 3 (N), 1808 Margaret; Lot 7 & W25' <br />of 8, City Block 2 <br />N. 1808 Margaret; Lot 7 & W25' of 8, City Block 2 <br />Owner: Bruce Larkin C/O Sheryl Larkin Wood 1890 CR 22500 Paris, TX 75460 <br />Present: Bruce Larkin, Sheryl Larkin Wood, Bill Wood <br />Robert Talley showed the Commission that the property at 1808 Margaret has a <br />deteriorated roof, rotting boards, missing windows, and the back porch is rotted, <br />the structure at the back of the property has a roof that has fallen in and the sides <br />are bowed. <br />Mr. Larkin stated that he has a heart problem and has been working on getting <br />disability. Now that he is receiving disability he will have money to start <br />working on repairs. Mrs. Sheryl Larkin Wood asked that the Commission give <br />Mr. Larkin time to try and repair his house. Mr. Bill Wood stated that they had <br />