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Hoskins has been given a list of materials that he is permitted to use. <br />Once the wood is put up, Mr. Hoskins will consult with Lisa Wright to <br />make sure that the color is appropriate to the district for the painting of <br />the wood. He has only a one year permit. If the building were to go to <br />the Building and Standards Commission, they would give no more than <br />90 days to make repairs unless there was a detailed plan submitted. <br />Mr. Hoskins will be given 90 days and if there is no evidence of serious <br />activity, he will have to go before the Building and Standards <br />Commission and have the repairs ordered. Motion made to approve the <br />COA by Brian Wear, seconded by Jerry Raper. Motion carried 6 -0. <br />4. Discussion of and possible action regarding the following structures <br />considered by code inspectors to be in violation of Article 111 of Chapter 7 of <br />the Code of Ordinances of the City of Paris, Paris, Texas, entitled <br />"Substandard and Dangerous Buildings and Structures," to determine <br />whether such buildings or structures can be rehabilitated and designated on <br />the National Register of Historic Places, as a recorded Texas Historic <br />Landmark, or as historic property as designated by the City Council of the <br />City of Paris: <br />A. 610 W. Austin <br />B. 1340 Cedar <br />C. 1320 W. Kaufman <br />D. 45 27th Street N.E. <br />E. 2136 W. Kaufman <br />F. 863 27th Street S.E. (Garage only) <br />Motion was made by Sue Lancaster, seconded by Jerry Raper for the all <br />structures to be referred to the Building and Standards Commission for <br />demolition since they cannot be rehabilitated nor do they have significant <br />historical value. Motion carried 6 -0. <br />5. Consideration of and action on possible amendments to Section II.A.4. of the <br />Downtown Design Guidelines relating to permits for "mothballing." Paul <br />Denney stated that a renewal process is needed. Paul feels that there should <br />be criteria for special circumstances. Arvin Starrett suggested that Lisa <br />Wright come back to the next meeting with additional verbage. <br />The Commission moved back to Items 3A and 3B. Consideration of and action <br />