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933 <br /> <br />have to do with whether it is a corporation or not. It was just things he saw in <br />the document, The City Attorney said he thought that the question of liability <br />could be a very real issue, He said he was more familiar with dealing with <br />associations in residential areas in Houston and all of those have been <br />incorporated. They can be an insured entity. They can require others to have <br />insurance. Director Wall stated that this should be an association because most <br />of the companies will be incorporated so they are going to have that shield <br />between them. Mr. Vest advised that Jim Shackleford has established many of <br />these associations and he felt. that an association was the easier of the two ways <br />of dealing with this matter. Mr. Vest felt that the covenants and by-laws of the <br />association or corporation, whatever they setup, should be whatever is deemed <br />necessary by the majority of the membership. <br /> <br />After a considerable amount of discussion, a motion was made by Director Wall, <br />seconded by Director Fendley, to table action on Agenda Item .No. <br />approving a resolution adopting Development Covenants for the Paris Business <br />Park, and Agenda No. 5F, a resolution approving and adopting the By-Laws for <br />the Paris Business Park Property Owners' Association, and place these items on <br />the next agenda. The motion carried 4 ayes, 0 nays. <br /> <br />Chairman Guest announced that the next item on the agenda was to receive <br />information, discuss, and take possible action on providing incentives for <br />Project Holt. <br /> <br />Mr. Vest advised the Board that Project Holt is a prospect that he met with last <br />Friday. Erik Roddy passed out information regarding this project. Mr. Vest <br />said that this prospect came to the PEDC through the Texas Department of <br />Economic Development. The Company is called C-Tech, Inc., and is out of <br />Minnetonka, Minnesota. He said they use a company to help them do their site <br />search called ECODEV represented by.Dana Olson, who was the PEDC's first <br />contact. Mr. Vest discussed a visit the past Friday with Mike Meshbesher, the <br />CEO of C-Tech. Information has been furnished to the Board, showing the <br />company's web page and the address.. There were also several articles that Erik <br />placed in the packet about Mike Meshbesher and his company. There is a <br /> <br /> <br />