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Planning and Zoning Meeting <br />May 6, 2003 <br />Page 4 <br />some historical significance at some point when the Historical <br />Commission is up and running, therefore, in line with Mr. Privett's <br />thought of not moving something of that line into the area, Mr. FencIley <br />recommended to deny the petition. <br />Chairman Reeves Hayter made mention that the amount of the money <br />spent in renovating the Market Square would need to be looked at. <br />Motion was made to deny the request by Curtis Fendley and seconded <br />by Russell McCain. Motion to deny carried by a vote of 6 ayes and 0 <br />nays. <br />8. Public Hearing to consider the petition of Jon McFadden for a change <br />in zoning from a One - Family Dwelling District No. 2 (SF -2) to a <br />Multiple - Family Dwelling District No. 1 (MF -1), Lots 9 and 9C, City <br />Block 257 -D, being numbers 344 and 364 27' NE. <br />The public hearing was declared open. <br />Jon McFadden, 2645 40t" SE, spoke in favor of the petition and showed <br />pictures of what he purposes to build. Mr. McFadden stated that he <br />would like to get the taxes current and remove the existing structure at <br />this location and build a duplex. In the future, he.would like to have 2 <br />duplexes on each lot. Mr. McFadden would complete the renovation of <br />the house at 364 27' NE and put the property up for rent. <br />Harold Mills, 345 27t" NE, opposed the petition stating that the property <br />needs work but asked if duplexes would help the neighborhood. Mr. <br />Mills thinks that duplexes in the area would downgrade property in the <br />area. <br />Carl Patrick Morgan, 330 27" NE, opposed the petition stating that he <br />echoes everything that Mr. Mills said. Mr. Morgan said that Multiple <br />Dwelling does lower property values and this is a first home for him and <br />as his family grows he will have to sell it and get as much as possible out <br />