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Planning and Zoning Meeting <br />January 6, 2004 <br />Page 4 <br />smaller unit. The facility will be all brick and composition. Most of the <br />elderly do not have the capability to drive, usually the family comes in <br />and visit with the folks, therefore, there is no need for extra parking for <br />residents. There would be 2 parking spaces in the garage and 10 spaces <br />outside of the garage. In New Mexico there were typically 3 employees <br />on site. <br />There was no opposition, the public hearing was declared closed. <br />7. Consideration of and action on the site plan approval requested by Paul <br />Vinson, Lot 14E, City Block 249, Red River Business Park, being the <br />2900 Block of Pine Mill Road. <br />Motion was made to approve by Marshall Kent, seconded by Bobby <br />Myers, subject to the City Engineer's Memo dated, December 29, 2003. <br />Motion carried by a vote of 8 ayes and 0 nays. <br />8. Consideration of and action on the Preliminary Plat, Northwest Paris <br />Industrial Park, being the 3100 Block of NW Loop 286. <br />Motion was made to approve by Brad Archer, seconded by Louis Yates,, <br />subject to the City Engineer's Memo dated, December 30, 2003. Motion <br />carried by a vote of 8 ayes and 0 nays. <br />Motion for Reeves Hayter to be excused was made by Russell McCain <br />and seconded by Bobby Myers. Motion carried by a vote of 8 ayes and <br />0 nays. <br />Vice - Chairman Marshall Kent now presiding over the meeting. <br />9. Consideration of and action on the Replat, Lots 1A, 1B, IC, and 6, City <br />Block 315, being the 3700 Block of NE Loop 286. <br />Motion was made to approve by Russell McCain, seconded by Louis <br />Yates, subject to the City Engineer's Memo dated, December 30, 2003. <br />Motion carried by a vote of 7 ayes and 0 nays. <br />