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Planning and Zoning Meeting <br />August 3, 2004 <br />Page 12 <br />monies, local designations trigger those monies. The overlay will help <br />to protect the district so that people will do the right thing. <br />Carl Lucas asked for clarification of a point that he has been hearing on <br />the streets, he asked if people would be forced to do something, to repair <br />their house. <br />Mr. Starrett stated that there is nothing in the ordinance that would <br />require a property owner to do anything but it requires a certificate of <br />appropriateness to be necessary when they intend to do work on their <br />property. It does not require them to do the work. <br />The question was asked, if they cannot stop you from doing anything to <br />your home then why Section 7 -164? If it is just advice, why are there <br />criminal aspects in the ordinance? <br />Mr. Starrett stated that the fines in the ordinance are set by the State <br />of Texas for your commission, they are simply zoning required fines and <br />the ordinances states up to $2,000 and it is his understanding that the <br />Judge in our local city has never assessed a fine nearing that magnitude. <br />Ms. Bell asked why was nothing done about some of the house on South <br />Main that have been in the process of being redone for 3 years? Ms. <br />Bell stated that one of these houses belong to Mr. Malone. <br />Chairman Hayter asked for everyone who is opposed to this ordinance <br />to stand. Seven people stood up. <br />Motion was made to approve as Historic Overlay District No. 2 (HD) <br />by Brad Archer, seconded by Carl Lucas. Motion carried by a vote of <br />7 ayes and I nay (Russell McCain). <br />