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B. Ms. Cassandra Hearn was absent from the meeting. This will be added to the agenda for <br />next months meeting. <br />7. No resolutions. <br />8. Board Questions: Ms. Cherry asked about the Resident Council how they are appointed. <br />Kelly Crawford answered her questions stating that they are nominated by other residents. <br />There is a constant problem of getting residents to be on the Council. They think it is a big <br />problem however, it is actually an honor. Ms. Cherry suggested that forms be sent out to all <br />residents and Ms. Crawford agreed that it is a good idea and she will do that. Ms.Cherry asked <br />how many are on the committee. Ms. Crawford stated that they currently have four but need <br />five. <br />9. No further business or questions, a motion for adjournment was made by Ms. Cherry and <br />seconded by Dewayne Dangerfield. Motion passed 4 -0. Meeting was adjourned at 1:37 pm. <br />APPROVED THIS DAY OF , 2016, <br />T K Haynes, - Vice Chairman <br />Sally Ruthart, Secretary <br />