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<br />City CODnCll 'Meeting <br />Seplembcr 16. 1998 <br />Page 2 <br /> <br />tJle Plum Street PmjecL City Manager Malone said there are some things tJlat could be done <br />with funds that are in the budget that might help to some small degree. City Manager Malone <br />said the budget presented to tJle Council was balanced in all ways that one would want to <br />balance the budget, and tile reoccurring expenses are met by reoccurring revenues. City <br />Manager Malone said he proposed tJlat the City Council consider in the near future, and <br />during tJlis budget year, issuing certificates of obligation in some amount from two and one- <br />half to five millions dollars for a v:lIity of projects, including drainage, and knew that this <br />particular project is one tJlat has received a lot of attention, and there has been a lot of input <br />from citizens of Paris. If tJle Council docs issue the certificate of obligation, tllis is one project <br />that would come forward, and something would be accomplished next summer. <br /> <br />3. Do we have any plans in tJIC budget fo/' st/'eets in the newly annexed areas, such as 46'h <br />N. E. and 47'. S. E.'! <br /> <br />City Manager Malone said that befOl'e anything is done about street~ in the Margraves <br />Addition, the water and sewer lines will have to be addressed, tJlen following that, would be <br />the development of stl"eets. The citizens of Ihat al'e;1 can petition for streets and help pay for <br />a pottion of the cost as an asscssment progl~UIl. There currently is, and has been, when funded <br />an opportunity to up-grade the streets in Paris. City Manager Malone said that there is a <br />program to upgrade gravel street, and the M:lI'gmves Addition will now be included in that <br />program. <br /> <br />4. Our budget is increasing by two millions dollars, can we justify this in a city that has <br />had the same population since 1963 with no increase services? <br /> <br />City Manager Malone said the City has increased services everywhere. For example, we have <br />mOI-e police oflicers, more firefighters, added more personnel in the Libm'1'. hotmix overlay, <br />drainage projects. city pool, new fire station. and improved the parks. <br /> <br />City Attomey Foster advised that the City of Pads's population is not the same as we had in <br />1963. It has grown approximately 30%. <br /> <br />5. Is itt.-ue that employee's salal'y aCCllunl is ((II' 13.5 million dollars in thc budget, or <br />48% of the budget'! <br /> <br />City Manager yIalone said he would nol be suqIJised, and advised that anyone in the <br />community would observe we have incn':lsed senices, which in turn increased the need for <br />additional personnel. <br /> <br />6. Why should the ncwly annexed arcas I", laxed whell serviccs were nol pf'Ovided to any <br />llf the al'cas, not just the oncs that II'c,'e under protcs!'! <br /> <br />-- <br /> <br />". <br />