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<br />. I <br /> <br />City COlUlciJ Meeting <br />September 16. 1998 <br />Page J <br /> <br />Mayor Neeley advised that Reno tiled a law suit, put a stop to the process of the annexation, <br />and it was not resolved until August 17, 1998, and the City did not spend any money in the <br />areas of dispute, and also it is the law regarding taxation. <br /> <br />Kit Wood, 710 Lake Drive, Powderly, TeX:lS, came forward and told the Council that she is the <br />Chairman of the Library Advisory Board of Paris, and she was present with other members <br />of the Library Advisory Board in snpport of the Library, and thanked the Council for what <br />they have done for Ille Library. Ms. Wood said they would like to see Ille budget stay as it was <br />presented. <br /> <br />Charles Taylor, 830 Paradi~e Drive, c~ul1e fonvard telling the Council that he wanted to follow <br />lip on what Mr. Dupree has said. NIr. TaylOl' said they had four people in the Margraves <br />Addition to run out of water. and eXIll'essed the need for speeding up getting them water. <br /> <br />Ed Siddle appeared before the Council asking that the Council leave the budget as it is, <br />especially the public safely, and his main concel'n wa~ the police department. Mr. Siddle said <br />we had one of the finest police dep:u1menL~ around and Chief Louis deserves a lot of credit for <br />what'he has done for this dep~ll'tment. Mr. Siddle introduced George Robinson and Don <br />Kostemlan who were present in support of the police department. <br /> <br />Steve l'lead, 1540 Cope Drive, a new resident of Paris, came fonvard expressing his opinion <br />that Ille budget should stay :l~ it is. [VIr-. Head discussed the continuation of rebuilding the fire <br />department and urged the City Council to continue the progress. Mr. Head said be has not <br />seen a garbage truck or fire trucks in his area, but he is going to have to pay city taxes, and <br />that is not fair. <br /> <br />Don Stuckey, 2350 Ballard Dr'., was also present stating that the services that the Paris <br />residents receive, Illey pay t~lxes on. bnt Lamar County taxes the citizens of Paris, and Illey do <br />not receive anything, and would lil<e to see support to help the citizens in Pads, Texas on some <br />of their problems. Mr. Studley said if it was not for the Noon Optimist, Breakfast Optimist, <br />and the Kiwanis a lot of things that would not be getting done because it is volunteer. We bave <br />baseball park, soccer, and we have foothall, and how many people ouL~ide the city limits use <br />these facilities'! M,'. Stuckey said Lamar COllnty has not o'Tered any help in that direction. <br />Mr. Stuckey told the Council about the parking situation at the soccer field at Dragon Park <br />that it has become dangenllls, and aslled lilr belp in that al'ea. Mr. Stuckey asked the Council <br />10 leave the money in the budget for an upgmde of that parle <br /> <br />Don Wilson. 31]() Slacy Lane, came lilnvanf asking lill' dali/ication ,'egarding tbe Capital <br />Outlay Fund of$7,~51.000.00, and yet when yon go down tllf'ollgb all the budgets, he can not <br />cOllie up with that amollnt. Also,:V1 r. Wilson wanted to know if the bond payment. the total <br />payment, arc we paying $3.3111.000.00'! <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />.... <br />