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<br />City Coun\...... 'Meeting <br />September 16, 1998 <br />Page 4 <br /> <br />Gene Anderson, Director of Finance, advised the Capital Outlay is spread out between various <br />funds, and said he could work up a breakdown for that, for example, a grant applications of <br />approximately 2.4 million dollars bad been included in the budget, but, after submitting the <br />budget, he does not think the city is going to get the grant; so it will be removed from the <br />budget. Mr. Anderson said dIe bond payments is $3,318,000.00; and does not include anything <br />proposed. <br /> <br />City Manager Malone explained dlat the proposed Certificate of Obligation Bonds is not a <br />part of die budget, but is part of die commentary on the budget in that different members of <br />the COllncil had expressed a desire for drainage and street projects, which is extremely <br />expensive, and it would Inke a bond issue to do these projects. <br /> <br />On die request of Mr. Wilson, Mr. Anderson advised dlat tllC indebtness of General Obligation <br />is less than five million dollars, and the Water and Sewer Fund debt is approximately thirty <br />million dollars. <br /> <br />Mr. Wilson said that the issuauce of Certificate of Obligation Bonds is expedient, and it is a <br />lot meaper, but it also provides an opportunity for the Council to pick and choose pet projects, <br />and may not be what the citizens really want. Mr. Wilson felt the people should have an <br />opportunity to pick and choose what they want. <br /> <br />Mack Ross, 3475 Reno Drive, came fonvard telling the Council tllat the City of Paris has a <br />very nice fire station on North Main, and he would liI{e to see the city utilize that fire station <br />to it's fullest by going a block north spending the money set up for dIe new fire stations by <br />extending Martin Luther King Dr, and by doing that, the city could better utilize the new fire <br />station. Mr. Ross said you could serve all the areas in that part of town plus tlle new areas on <br />Highway 1.95. Mr. Ross said the new fire stations could be place in next years budget. <br /> <br />Jackie Abobrook, Route 1, Box -117, P:lIis, Tex1ls, came fonvard sl:lting that she owns propeliy <br />.in the City of Paris and pay laxes. Ms. Abobl'ook said in looking at the department heads in <br />the City of Paris, she believes dl:itthey will give tllC City Council a budget that is realistic, and <br />hopefully not inflated. Ms. Alsobrook pointed out the fact that the Library Advisory Board <br />allpeared before tlle Lamar County Commissioners Couri to make them aware of the I:lctlhat <br />more and mOl'e people in the county were utilizing the P:lIis Public Libmry, and asked for <br />their' he/p. but they could not come to an agr'eement, or funding from Lamar,County. Ms. <br />A/sobJ'Ook pointed out that this is something that the City Council needs to look at. <br /> <br />City Manager' Malone indicated that he proposed to reduce the total bndget by 2.4 million <br />dollar'S by taking out fnnd eleven. a capital projectlillld wller'e thel'e was one million dollars <br />in Water Distlibntion, and 1.4 million doll:lI'S in Sewer Maintenance for capital projects 10 be <br />funded hy gl~lJIt applic:llions through the USDA. City Manager Malone said' the city has since <br />heen infonned that the Illoney will nol he available to the city, so it is proposed that it he <br /> <br />" <br />