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PEDC Board Meeting <br />Minutes <br />May 16, 2017 <br />Page 2 of 4 <br />TEDC Membership is a yearly fee of $500.00. The total expenses for the month of April were <br />$91,239.43. On the last page of the spreadsheet under Cash Flow Analysis the revenue shows <br />$102,000.00 and expense shows $91,000.00. Mr. Wilson gave us the Total Cash & Reserve for the <br />month of April $3,470,735.44. He also told us that this was the last year we would be paying into <br />the I & S and Reserve Balance Fund since the last year of the bond payment has already been <br />encumbered. Mr. Banks asked about the year -end balances of the Lone Star and Texas CLASS <br />Investment Pools. Mr. Paris said that after accessing the numbers on both balance sheets that the <br />Investment Pool numbers have not changed since the end of September 2016. He will ask Gene if <br />there is another account that interest is located in for the Investment Pools. Mr. Banks was looking <br />for a difference in the numbers from the end of last year until now or a line item that showed <br />interest earned. Mr. Wilson stated that pooled accounting has a lot of entities working with your <br />money. Mr. Banks made a motion to accept the April 2017 Financials. A second was made by Mr. <br />Brockman. Vote was 4 -ayes to 0 -nays. <br />Discuss and possibly approve a resolution for SuRRMA's request for support in the amount <br />of $2000 within the PEDC 2016 -2017 Budget. <br />Mr. Manning read the caption to the resolution. Ms. Harris stated that this resolution was the result <br />of the discussions at the last Board meeting. The resolution has the factual findings in support of the <br />promotional expense in the amount of $2000.00 to SuRRMA. Mr. Brockman made a motion to <br />accept the resolution as written. A second was made by Mr. Wilson. Vote was 3 -ayes to 1 -nay. Mr. <br />Banks was the nay vote. <br />Executive Director's Monthly Report. <br />• Project Wind Cave came to us from the Governor's Office. This is a tubing extraction <br />company making tubes for the oil field industry and the Houston area. The company <br />is Spanish with an executive for the company in the Houston area. This was $55 <br />million investment and 120 jobs. Paris missed on Project Wind Cave. We were in the <br />top three with our incentives; including the New Market Tax Credits, where between <br />20 -25% of the cost is given as cash up front to the investing business. We would have <br />come up with more incentives to help with the modification of a building; but after <br />they considered our existing building, they decided it would cost more to modify the <br />building than construct a new building. The other three communities in the running <br />are all in Texas and they all have existing buildings. <br />• Site Selector Consultants Strategic Development Group approached us about Project <br />DS. Project DS is looking for 20 -50 acres, a new build of 30,000 - 50,000 sq. ft., and <br />about 40 jobs. We promoted the Build to Suit at 2305 NW 286. They are looking for <br />rail which can be accessed by the site. We took their request to Kiamichi Rail and the <br />answer was that it will take six to eight weeks with a cost of six figures to have the <br />tracks ready. When asked more of the six figures, the answer was below a million. <br />Mr. Paris has tried to contact Project DS by email several times and has had no <br />