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PEDC Board Meeting <br />Minutes <br />May 16, 2017 <br />Page 3 of 4 <br />response. He stated that usually the interest is fading. Mr. Wilson said that the rail is <br />suspended in the air due to the flooding. And pointed the issue out to Mr. Godwin. <br />• Project Wind Cave came directly from the Governor's Office. Project DS came <br />through Team Texas. <br />• Lead Generation. The end of March was our first meeting with the Governor's Office. <br />Representing Paris at the meeting were: Mr. Derrick Hughes, PEDC Board Member; <br />Dr. Pam Anglin, President of Paris Junior College; Mr. Greg Wilson, President of <br />Lamar Bank. Our presentation covered assets and resources in Paris, Texas. They did <br />not realize we had a huge population of trailer manufacturers in the western part of <br />the county. The Governor's Office has been talking to a trailer manufacturer from <br />Italy. We have gathered information for them about our trailer manufacturers' <br />employees. Our calculations show that approximately 70% of them are welders. <br />• Three more phone calls were set up through ROI. Mr. Paris acknowledged that he has <br />been very disappointed with ROI and the quality of the leads that we have received. <br />Nothing has come about through ROI. <br />• Mr. Paris met with commercial real estate developer, Earl Jones, from Midlothian <br />area. The discussion gave new ideas for our build to suit site and our industrial park <br />development. <br />• The AUVSI XPONENTIAL Conference was in Dallas. ( AUVSI = Association for <br />Unmanned Vehicle Systems International) The market is growing rapidly in all types <br />of unmanned vehicles. In the manufacturing part of the show there were about one <br />hundred manufacturers that Mr. Paris contacted, this resulted in eight face to face <br />meetings and two good contacts to stay in touch with. <br />• We just had the Paris Air Show with all the planes flying in. This would be a great <br />time to talk to the Dallas chapter of the AUVSI about an unmanned air show and <br />obstacle course at our airport. Mr. Paris indicated that he would appreciate Mr. <br />Higdon's thoughts on pulling this project together. <br />• Mr. Paris met with Mr. Noel Paramanantham, Paris District Engineer for the TxDot, <br />to check the progress on the Loop Study. Also, he asked what the contribution <br />amount Paris would need as leverage to score higher on the priority list of road <br />projects. Noel believes that there is $1.3 million already set aside and the Loop Study <br />could be done without a public /private partnership. This looks very promising. <br />Everyone noticed the standing water after the heavy rain. We asked that the water <br />around the Loop when it rains also be studied. <br />• Park Street has the chip seal on it. <br />• Marketing has been in the form of email blasts to site selector consultants, <br />commercial real estate brokers, and those we meet at the conferences. The rail <br />logistics and PJC 60x3OTX program were both highlighted. The 60X30TX program <br />