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ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY BOARD <br />An Economic Development Advisory board is hereby established as follows: <br />1. The advisory board shall consist of seven regular, active members. <br />2. Members must be qualified voters of the city, reside within the city, and have no delinquent <br />indebtedness to the city. <br />3. Up to two members may be appointed from out of the city council, which if appointed shall <br />serve one -year terms. <br />4. Members shall serve without compensation, but may be reimbursed for actual expenses as <br />approved by the city council. <br />5. Members' terms shall be for two years, limited to a maximum of three consecutive full terms. A <br />vacancy on the board shall be filled by the city council as expeditiously as practical after the date <br />of the vacancy. <br />6. If a replacement has not qualified upon the expiration of a member's term, then that member <br />shall continue his /her membership until replaced. <br />7. A chairperson shall be appointed by the city council. The economic development board shall <br />annually elect a vice - chairperson. <br />8. The city manager shall be an ex officio member of the board, with responsibility to participate in <br />discussions but without the right to vote. <br />9. Absence from more than 25% of regular meetings shall be deemed to constitute the retirement <br />of that member and a vacancy on the board shall thereby be created. The vacancy shall be filled <br />by the city council within 60 days following the date the vacancy was created. <br />10. Members shall serve at the discretion of the city council and may be removed at the discretion <br />of the city council. <br />11. The board shall normally meet monthly, or as often as needed depending on the business <br />before it. However, in any case it shall meet a minimum of six times per year. <br />Powers and duties <br />The Economic Development Advisory Board shall have the following powers and perform the following <br />duties and responsibilities: <br />1. The board shall act solely in an advisory capacity to the city staff and the city council in all <br />matters pertaining to economic development; shall acquaint itself with and make a continuous <br />study and review of the economic development needs and opportunities of the city; and shall <br />advise with the staff and city council from time to time. <br />2. The members of the board shall study and review the city's development plans and programs, <br />including the city's comprehensive plan, master land use plan, and zoning ordinances; the <br />master parks, recreation & open space plan; the Cox Field Planned Development District <br />ordinance; the Lake Crook Planned Development District ordinance; the downtown <br />redevelopment plan; the Retail Economic Development Policy, the Tax Abatement Policy, and <br />any and all other adopted economic development plans and policies of the city and the PEDC; <br />and any extant city infrastructure development plans and programs. <br />