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3. The board shall develop and maintain, and recommend adoption by the city council of, an <br />overall economic development plan that shall include and set forth both long- and short-term <br />goals and objectives the board deems necessary to implement the city's overall economic <br />development plan and vision. <br />4. The board may, from time to time, recommend to the city council new or revised policies and <br />procedures for the city in the conduct of its economic development activities. <br />5. When in its opinion the board determines that the acquisition of certain real or personal <br />property, including land and facilities, would aid in economic development activities, it shall <br />make appropriate recommendations to the city staff and council. <br />6. The board may solicit, for the city, gifts, revenues, bequests, or endowments of money or <br />property as donations or grants from persons, firms or corporations, subject to the guidance, <br />approval, and acceptance by the city council. <br />7. The board shall review all requests and proposals for economic development agreements, <br />grants, property tax abatements, subsidies, sales tax rebates, loans, reduced or waived permit <br />fees, utility construction, road improvements, pedestrian improvements, lighting improvements, <br />turn lanes, bond or other debt financing, and HOT rebates and /or financing; and make <br />recommendations thereon to staff and or the city council. <br />8. Board consideration of economic development proposals shall be made in accordance with the <br />following criteria: <br />• Impacts the city's costs and ability to provide existing and expanded municipal services; <br />• Impacts the local environment, housing market, and available infrastructure; <br />• Offers potential for long -term payback in tax revenues for the city's participation; and <br />• Likely stimulates other desirable economic development within the city. <br />• In addition, priority shall be given to: <br />• Businesses that directly or indirectly introduce new capital into the local economy from <br />outside the city. <br />• Highly unique or specialized businesses that draw from an unusually large trade area, <br />thereby bringing new capital into the local economy. <br />• Expansions of existing businesses that meet the above objectives. <br />9. The board shall develop, for the city council's review and approval, rules and regulations as may <br />be prescribed for the conduct of the board's business. <br />10. The board may, from time to time, divide itself into subcommittees of less than a quorum to <br />study and report back on certain projects or proposals. <br />11. The board, through its chairperson, shall make both an oral and written report annually to the <br />city council concerning its activities during the past year and its proposals for the coming year. <br />12. The board's authority shall not extend to the direction, supervision, employment, or termination <br />of employees of the economic development department. No supervisory power of the board is <br />created by this division. <br />13. The board will review the proposed economic development operating budget and make any <br />recommendations to the city council it deems necessary. However, the board is not authorized <br />to add, delete or change in any way the budget as prepared by the city staff and city council. <br />