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Regular Council Meeting <br />July 25, 2016 <br />Page 5 <br />important to the community. He said this would show others how they treated businesses here. <br />With no one else speaking, Mayor Pro -Tem Lancaster closed the public hearing. <br />A Motion to approve this item was made by Council Member Trenado and seconded by <br />Council Member Frierson. Motion carried, 5 ayes - 1 nay, with Council Member Clifford casting <br />the dissenting vote. <br />14. Discuss and act on Paris Economic Development Corporation's FY 2016-17 budget. <br />Mr. Paris reported the budget for 2016-2017 was a total $1,135,708.00 and an overall 2% <br />decrease from the previous year budget. After hearing the budget presentation from Mr. Paris, <br />Council Member Clifford inquired about much the spec building was going to cost. Mr. Paris <br />estimated between $500,000 and $750,000. Council Member Clifford wanted to know how <br />much money had already been spent on the project, which included purchase of the land and <br />demolition of the building. Mr. Paris estimated between $250,000 and $300,000. Council <br />Member Clifford questioned that on a project that was going to go over the $400,000 limit why it <br />was not brought to the City Council first. He told Mr. Paris should the project not be approved, <br />that he will have wasted $300,000. Mr. Paris said he assumed the project was discussed in <br />executive session and Council Member Clifford reported that it was not. Council Member <br />Clifford said he did not see a lot of support for spec buildings and after researching, he found <br />that most were vacant for years and then sold for a discount. Council Member Clifford said <br />according to PEDC's Bylaws that he was required to bring the project to them. Mr. Paris said he <br />believed PEDC followed their Bylaws. <br />Council Member Clifford asked the city attorney Stephanie Harris if the entire project <br />included purchasing the land, demolishing the old building and building a new building. Ms. <br />Harris said it depended on how you interpret that language and said she did not have that in front <br />of her. Council Member Clifford questioned Mr. Paris would it not be better to bring the project <br />to Council before he spent $300,000. Mr. Paris said the net present value of this project was so <br />much better than building anything else. Council Member Clifford asked him wouldn't it have <br />been better to bring it to the Council first. Mr. Paris said he was not here then and that the PEDC <br />Board tried to do what was in the best interest of Paris. Mr. Paris also said when Council <br />approved the budget last year, including an amendment that it included purchasing the land. <br />Council Member Clifford said he still believed it should have been brought to Council and he <br />believed that all of PEDC's projects should be brought to Council. Mr. Paris said the EDC <br />director should be in Council's executive sessions keeping them updated on projects. <br />Council Member Clifford said there appeared to be some overlap, such as utilities in the <br />amount of $12,000 and depot operations in the amount of $15,000. He wanted to know what <br />depot operations included. Mr. Paris said it included infrastructure of computers, lights, supplies <br />and things of that nature. Council Member Clifford said that was $1,200 a month and that he <br />was not in favor of giving him complete free rein of hiring anyone he wanted to hire, because the <br />bylaws required Council is to approve anyone he hires. Council Member Clifford emphasized if <br />Council approves the budget, they are giving a blanket approval. Mr. Paris said the contract line <br />item was there in case they need to hire a lawyer. Council Member Clifford wanted to know <br />
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