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e) If a newly created business is located or will locate within an Enterprise Zone, an <br />additional 10 to 20% abatement may be available as individually negotiated, with total <br />abatement not to exceed 100%. <br />Vii. Tax Abatement for Existing Employers Regarding Real or Persona Property. <br />The City recognizes the value of its existing Employers to the well-being of the <br />community and desires to encourage existing Employers to remain in the City and to improve <br />their respective businesses and industries, as well as their profitability. Accordingly, if an <br />existing Employer (as opposed to a newly created business or industry moving into the City), <br />owns or leases an Authorized Facility and has plans to improve such Property by constructing <br />new improvements on its Real Property and/or adding new Personal Property to its Authorized <br />Facility which qualify for tax abatement under these Criteria and Guidelines, such Employer <br />may be eligible for tax abatement with respect to such improvements to its Real Property or its <br />new Personal Property under the provisions of Article V and IV above, even if no new Jobs or <br />Newly Created Minimum Annual Payroll are created. In these cases involving existing <br />Employers, the criteria for tax abatement for improvements to Real Property at Authorized <br />facilities are identical to that set forth in Article V above (except that no new Jobs or Newly <br />Created Minimum Annual Payroll are required); and the criteria for tax abatement for new <br />Pesonal Property added to Authorized Facilities are identical to that set forth in Article VI <br />above (except that no new Jobs or Newly Created Minimum Annual Payroll are required). In <br />this regard, however, the City encourages existing Employers to retain as many Jobs and as <br />much existing Annual Payroll as is economically feasible for the existing Employer to do and <br />remain competitive in its industry. <br />VIII. Application. <br />a) Eligibility. Any present or potential owner of taxable property in the City may <br />request tax abatement by filing a written request with the City Manager or County Judge, with a <br />copy of the said application to be forwarded by the applicant to the Executive Director of the <br />Paris Economic Development Corporation. <br />b) Form. The application shall consist of a completed application form accompanied by <br />the following items: <br />l) A general description of the improvements to be undertaken together with the <br />projected new value to the Property and the type of business operation proposed; <br />2) A detailed descriptive list of the improvements for which abatement is <br />requested; <br />3) A list of the kind, number, and location of all proposed improvements of the <br />Property; <br />