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2017-036 - Terminating the Tax Abatement Agreement dated February 25, 2013 between the City of Paris and Campbell Soup Supply Company, LLC relating to the Single Serve Beverage Line
City Clerk
2017-036 - Terminating the Tax Abatement Agreement dated February 25, 2013 between the City of Paris and Campbell Soup Supply Company, LLC relating to the Single Serve Beverage Line
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10/24/2017 2:13:17 PM
Creation date
10/24/2017 1:40:58 PM
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4) A list of the number and type of Jobs created, including information <br />pertaining to anticipated job transfers; <br />5) A metes and bounds description and plat of the proposed Reinvestment Zone that <br />shows all roadways within 200 feet of the Reinvestment Zone and all existing zoning and <br />land uses within 200 feet of the Reinvestment Zone; <br />6) A time schedule for undertaking and completing the proposed <br />improvements; <br />7) The type and value of any economic development incentives requested; and <br />8) Any other information about the proposed project as may be required by the City or <br />as deemed desirable by the City. <br />c) Review. Once the application has been received, the information submitted will be <br />reviewed by the Tax Abatement Committee for completeness and accuracy. The Committee will <br />then distribute the application to the appropriate department heads and taxing entities for review <br />and comment. In addition, no tax abatement application shall be considered for further <br />processing by the governmental entities unless first approved by the governing board of the <br />Paris Economic Development Corporation. <br />d) Public Hearing. The City will comply with certain public notices and hearings <br />required as mandated by state law under the Property Redevelopment and Tax Abatement Act <br />prior to the designation of a Reinvestment Zone and execution of a tax abatement agreement. The <br />City may adopt an ordinance designating a tax abatement Reinvestment Zone only ager notice of <br />a public hearing has been published at least seven (7) days before the date of the hearing, and all <br />other procedural requirements of Chapter 312 of the Texas Tax Code have been satisfied. <br />e) Findings. In order to enter into an agreement, the City must find that the terms of the <br />proposed agreement comply with these Guidelines and Criteria, that there will be no <br />substantial adverse affect on the provision of City services or tax base, and that the planned use of <br />the Property will not constitute a hazard to public safety, health or morals. Incident to approval of <br />any ordinance designating a Reinvestment Zone, the City shall find that the improvements sought <br />are feasible and practical and would be a benefit to the land to be included in the Reinvestment <br />Zone and to the City after the expiration of the agreement. <br />f) Variances. Requests for variance from the provisions of these Guidelines may be <br />made in writing to the City; provided, however, that in no event shall the team of any <br />abatement exceed the period authorized by applicable state law. Such request shall include a <br />complete description of the circumstances requiring a variance. Approval of a request for <br />variance shall require the affirmative vote of three-fourths (3/4) of the members of the City <br />Council. <br />
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