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2017-036 - Terminating the Tax Abatement Agreement dated February 25, 2013 between the City of Paris and Campbell Soup Supply Company, LLC relating to the Single Serve Beverage Line
City Clerk
2017-036 - Terminating the Tax Abatement Agreement dated February 25, 2013 between the City of Paris and Campbell Soup Supply Company, LLC relating to the Single Serve Beverage Line
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10/24/2017 2:13:17 PM
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10/24/2017 1:40:58 PM
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(Updated 1-11-16) <br />POLICY STATEMENT <br />CRITERIA AND GUIDELINES FOR TAX ABATEMENT <br />I. General Purpose and Objectives. <br />The City of Paris (City), Lamar County Government (County) and Paris Junior College (PJC) <br />(collectively, herein called the "Taxing Jurisdictions") are committed to enhancing the <br />competitiveness and the expansion potential of the local industry; to attracting and encouraging <br />new manufacturing industry and investment; to improving the City of Paris, Lamar County and <br />its infrastructure, which attracts and supports development; and, to expanding the tax base, <br />employment opportunities, and the overall quality of life for its citizens. Therefore, the <br />governing bodies of the Taxing Jurisdictions will give consideration, on a case-by-case basis, to <br />providing tax abatements to the owners of real and personal property for projects that stimulate <br />economic growth and diversification in the geographic areas served by the Taxing Jurisdictions, <br />according to state law and consistent with these policies, criteria and guidelines. <br />Tax abatements may be made available to industrial, manufacturing, distribution, service facilities, <br />or any "primary jobs" creating industry as defined by the Economic Development Act of the State <br />of Texas. The facility must be currently in, or locating in the areas served by the Taxing <br />Jurisdictions, and located in a designated Enterprise Zone or Reinvestment Zone. New facilities <br />and structures as well as the expansion and modernization of existing facilities and structures, will <br />be considered. Evaluation of a tax abatement request will be based on the information provided in <br />the tax abatement application. However, the City of Paris, Lamar County and Paris Junior <br />College are under no obligation to provide tax abatement to any applicant. <br />The Paris City Council acts as the lead entity for projects located in the City limits. The Lamar <br />County Board of Commissioners acts as the lead entity for projects in Lamar County, which are <br />located outside of the City limits. All governing bodies of the three Taxing Jurisdictions have <br />adopted this policy, criteria and guidelines and will consider tax abatement requests that qualify <br />hereunder. <br />II. Definitions. <br />Definitions are provided as an Appendix A. <br />III. Designation of a Reinvestment Zone. <br />For any facility located within the area served by the Taxing Jurisdictions to be eligible for tax <br />abatement it must meet the criteria for designation as a tax abatement reinvestment zone as set <br />forth in the Property Redevelopment and Tax Abatement Act, Texas Tax Code Chapter 312.The <br />City or County may designate an area as a reinvestment zone in accordance with the criteria and <br />procedural requirements set forth in the Property Redevelopment & Tax Abatement Act, as <br />amended (Texas Tax Code Sec. 312.401 (b)). <br />IV. Tax Abatement Authorized. <br />The Taxing Jurisdictions, through their elected governing bodies, may agree in writing with the <br />owner and/or lessee of taxable real and/or personal property that is located in a reinvestment zone, <br />but that is not in an improvement project financed by tax increment bonds, to exempt from <br />taxation a portion of the value of the real property, or of personal property located on the real <br />property, or both. The period of the abatement granted under the agreement shall not exceed the <br />term authorized by law. Such agreement will be based on the condition that the owner or <br />
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