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(Updated 1-11-16) <br />POLICY STATEMENT <br />CRITERIA AND GUIDELINES FOR TAX ABATEMENT <br />lessee of the property makes specific improvements or repairs to the property. An agreement <br />may provide for the exemption of the real property in each year covered by the agreement only to <br />the extent its value for that year exceeds the base year value. An agreement may provide for the <br />exemption of personal property located on the real property in each year covered by the <br />agreement other than personal property that was located on the real property at any time before <br />the period covered by the agreement. Inventory or supplies cannot be abated as personal <br />property - <br />Tax abatements may only be granted for additional value of eligible property improvements <br />made subsequent to and specified in an abatement agreement between the Taxing Jurisdictions <br />and the property owner or lessee subject to such limitation as the Taxing Jurisdictions may require. <br />The additional value must exceed any reduction in the fair market value of other property of the <br />owner already on the tax roll within the area served by the Taxing Jurisdictions. Change in <br />appraised value does not qualify for abatement except in an instance where a previously vacant <br />authorized facility is utilized. Value added to the tax rolls must come from actual capital <br />expenditures. <br />The negotiation of tax abatement agreements will be conducted by the Tax Abatement Advisory <br />Committee, and facilitated by the Paris Economic Development Corporation. In determining <br />where and how tax abatements will be utilized, the Tax Abatement Advisory Committee will <br />examine the potential return on the public's investment. Return on public investment will be <br />measured in terms of (i) jobs created, (ii) jobs retained in cases of existing employers within the <br />Taxing Jurisdictions, and (iii) broadening of the tax base, and expansion of the economic base <br />(e.g. capital investment, payroll, local spending, etc.) <br />V. Eligibility Criteria for Tax Abatement for Real and Personal Property <br />A property owner and/or lessee shall be eligible for tax abatement only upon the following <br />criteria. <br />MWbility Criteria for Tax Abatement <br />Authorized <br />1. An authorized facility is used for manufacturing, research, regional distribution, regional services, regional <br />Facility <br />tourist entertainment, other basic industry, or any primary jobs creating industry. (See Appendix A for <br />definitions.) <br />2. A new authorized facility must be created, or an existing authorized facility must be improved, modernized <br />or expanded. <br />3. If a leased authorized facility is granted abatement, the agreement may be executed with the lessor and/or <br />lessee, depending upon the particular circumstances of the proposed project. If the agreement is with the <br />lessor, lessor shall demonstrate binding contracts with the lessee to guarantee compliance with the teems of <br />the aereement. <br />Eligible <br />1. The property involved must be a newly created or improvements to an existing authorized facility. <br />Property <br />2. Eligible property for which abatement may be granted includes nonresidential real property and/or tangible <br />personal property not located on the real property at any time before the abatement agreement becomes <br />effective. <br />3. Abatement may be extended to the value of buildings, structures, fixed machinery and equipment, site <br />improvements, tangible personal property, and that office space and related fixed improvements necessary <br />to the operation and administration of the authorized facility. <br />4. Inventory or supplies shall not be eligible for abatement. <br />Historic <br />For historic property located in the City of Paris Historic District, see Chapter 30, Article N of the City of <br />Property <br />Paris Code of Ordinances — Tax Exemption for Historically Significant Sites. Contact the City of Paris, City <br />