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exception since her windows were at the rear of the building because hefelt ,that this was not as <br />significant, especially on a second story, and what used to be an alley. Commi . sst oner Dux <br />advised the commission about not going against the Design standards. <br />Commissioner Dux gave Ms. Daniels an article from this old house magazine entitled <br />all about fiberglass windows " Technical Preservation brief 16, Preservation brief 9, Technical <br />Preservation Br iefStandards.for Rehabilitation and Illustrated guidelines to historic windows, <br />and pages• 21, 22, 25, 56, 57 & 58 ofthe Design Standards for the Paris Historic District, <br />Aber more discussion, Commissioner Dux stated that there was one commissioner who wanted to <br />approve the COA and asked for any motions or discussion, Commissioner Hitler asked Ms. <br />Daniel about the mullion on the outside orfthe glass and ij'would be something that she would <br />consider. Commissioner Emmite made the motion to table the decision until October 23 at 4:00 <br />p.m. to allow Als. Daniel to review the iqfbi-motion. Commissioner Hider asked the commission <br />to clari& what would Ws. Daniel need to bring so she will get approved. Glee 1,mmite withdrew <br />her motion, <br />Commissioner Dux called. for a motion to approve or deny the COO as presented <br />Commissioner Alarid made the motion to deny the COAfir replacement Vinyl Clad windows, <br />seconded by Commissioner 11cindiver motion carried 5 — 1, Commissioner I oner Hider opposed, and <br />Commissioner Barbee abstained. A meeting to review a new COA was.set for October 23, 2017 <br />(it -/.-Oop.m. <br />Discussion on the process q1'substandard housing and what happens to cause a house to end up <br />on the Building and Standards list. Robert Tally, Code Enforcement., <br />Robert Talley stated that code en/breement will receive a complaint or proactively drive <br />by and see substandard structures, some are repair or some demolish. When 41 structure needs to <br />be demolished, the first step is to bring the house to the Historic Preservation Commission with <br />photos and possibly afiew bullet points, and if is the Historic Preservation Commission <br />responsibility is to tell Y'the property has an�v historic value to the community. lfit is determined <br />that it does, the PIPC has the option opull the structurefrom going to the Building and <br />Standards, or they do not have any value they will go through to Buildings and Standards for <br />review At the Building and Standards commission meeting, Robert Talley makes a presentation <br />with photos on the houses, and options. The Commission will ask Robert questions, and <br />sometimes the property owners attend and address the Commission, The Commission makes the <br />decision on what will happen to the structure whether to repair or demolish. I,f the Commission <br />votes to demolish the structure the general times due are 30, 60, or 90 days by <br />y slate law ffs <br />it i <br />30 days to demolish, then on the 31 day the city calls the utilities to have the services killed! <br />Everything has to be disconnected After all services are cut, the public works makes a work <br />order and it is given to the contractor to demolish, and afier demolition, a lien is filed on the <br />property Commissioner Vandiver asked if the buildings are deemed substandard does it comes to <br />the 1-111C.first. Commissioner Dux and Commissioner Hider both clarified the only responsibility <br />o0he IIPC is to determine if the house had anY historical significance to the community, not <br />wt,hether it can be saved or demolished <br />