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<br />9~392524B5
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<br />IJULIlt:.t:. UJMI"'ANY
<br />
<br />l'""HUJ:. tJ't
<br />
<br />ARTICLE /;
<br />
<br />_ 5.1 '\:tst.'c.IuPCJ1l ^1')pUc.':tlkms ((Ir P~\'mcnt ~uhmlttC'd tv (he Archht."Ct by th~ Cc)ntrJct()r and (:crunc.~IC!i r(lf J':lylTK.'1l1 1~"\IC,'ll hy thl."
<br />t\rdll":"I. the.' Own~r shall J1l:.lkt' pro~fr.:~S p:l.}'meJ'\\:ol on :,.....c..ounl ufthe: O,)Otra<.', sum to (hI.; Ctllllr.I<:lur :L"l pnl\"d,'\11l\.'h"" \I.hl
<br />l.L..t'whcrc: In the (;Ot\U'J.t,.'( I)ocuments.
<br />5.2 .J'h....lwrhJll....o\'l,:l'\!d hy lom:h Appll<::tt(lH'l fllf I'ayrnc:nt shall ~ one c'JlcJl{br month l.'Il(,Ur'R 1m the I:L"'it <.1:1)' III' llll" nl~II\1h. tlr:L'\I
<br />ftllh,ws;
<br />
<br />"
<br />,
<br />
<br />S.S l~rf)yl\It..'d :In AppU....".lun for I':lym..;,'Il Is rccch'cc..t tly the A<<:hll~1 nnt I~tc.:l' th2n the
<br />d:l.Y ()f~ O\<<.ullh,lhc: ()wncr shall m;lkc paymlonll() the (:cmlf'Jt,11)r Ilt)C 1:111.:( Ih:1I1
<br />,II,' ll"Y <If Ihe """,.h, Ir.n Applk:.t1<1n r." ""l'nl<'nll, 'I''''''''''' hI' thl'
<br />Ar.:hhl.....' :llh,'r lh,.. ilPI")U-.:aUvn d;.at,: fix,'d \_huv.... puyrnll:nt :;h:lll be ",~ur: h)' tht! Ownt:l' not I:,lwr Ih:1O
<br />d~)'~ :If"ll.'f the Ardlllcl'C rcccivt.:li ,he: Appli('1I.t1on (')f P'Jymcnl.
<br />
<br />5.4 E:ldl :\pplk-:'1111l11 fnr 1~'p11l:llt sh~llI hl' h~I~t.'(,1 'lPUll thl' ~".:h\."tuk'l)rv~,hll,:S sllhmlttc.'d hy (Iw C,mtr,l4,,"tut In :In'or(I;IIlI'(' whh
<br />lllt"" ~c 1011':1('( I )1'~'UIH"'I\l", '1'11,,' ;o..dll'duh: of\~dlll,'~ ~h:llI..lh14.::H... 1h... (nth\- (:"11(1'"," ~lllll :1l11l'''K 11u,,' \':lrh I\h Iltlllh Ill' Ilfth,' \Xilrk
<br />.11,,1 Ill' prql~II,\."lln ,,,..'h limn :1Il\1 ~Uppt)rt(:d hy :'\lI\.'h <.l~ta ,,' s\lhRt:llltl~ltl' H.":U.'C,'Ur:l\.'Y :IS th,' Arc:hih'rt m:IY l\'quin', Thl~ ~'h\',lIl1\'.
<br />\lllll':-'~ "hi"....'..." lu hy Ilw :\fI.:hIWrl. sh:lJ1I"1..' lIsc:d ~IS :1 h:lsls for n.'\"il..'\\'in~ ,l'u,' COf)lJ':I~'h)r'~ ;\pl"li~';,ul~'I'~ for 1",IYlUl'nt.
<br />5.5 ^ppll4,':III,tI\.~ lflr p~')'1n\:nt :ih~11 imllc:.lh: Ih,,' pl'rn'l)t~AC: of complc:li,m of c..-:'Ic.:h pc)rtlol1 f)f the..' We Irk :I~ orthe...t'ntl ,)flhe..'Il\...lclll
<br />\'uvc,'n:c..Ill)' tht. ^prllk~tlon for 1'~ly,O\c:m.
<br />5.6 ~'lhl~'\'1 to the..' pl'\)\'I:donl'i of Ihe..' Cumr.l\.'l I)OC:UIHt:nt:', the amnunt or "':leh pro~rcl'iS pil)'IT)C.'1ll sh:JIlIlC,' ('omplll,,'d :1" Ii Il1uw~;
<br />
<br />5.6.1. '1!lkt., IIl:ll 1~)fI h III ~ d' (hl' (:, )nlr:ll't SUI" pn )pcrly tlllu(,'jhle to (,'ompkfcd ~ ,ck :t~ t,,",cc,,'m_lewd hy mull iplyln~ I Ill' pe..'r.. 'l..'nt:I)(I,'
<br />"U1Ul'h.'IIl.11I 1.11'(',1('11 ponion t)fthe \(.'tu'k hr thc..'sh;,",,: (lftllc.: 1m;" (:otUr:a,,", ~llln :ll1ol':u,,'\1 \uth~u 1~lrth1l1 ,,1",h\' ~i Irk ill 1Ih.'I'>o'ht.'duh.'
<br />t)f ,,',duc..'s. Ic:ss rctah')~IHc..' 01' 1l\;'1\'l'lll
<br />( ';i,). 1'c,'lltJhlt-t (IC1:1.I C,lt:te..'{rnin:ulon ur (ost tel Ih~()wm:1' of ('h:'n~es hl tl'w \\\wk. {nl'll.,unts m ,t h'lII1,,' tUSPUU' m:IY 1)\'
<br />hwhltll..'d :tS pro\'lllnl in Suhpar.IM,c':lph "7,,\.7 of the <<.:cm:r.d (;uodltions e..'vt,,'n thoup.h tl".. Cuntritrl S\Ill\ h:I;oi nul ~,.t llt......n :1\lluSIc:d
<br />hy t :luU'l~c Or<.lc:n
<br />5.6.2 ",Id 111~1l1l\lrli()I\ e)f 111,,' (:l.lI'\t~l(:l :-;1,111'1 pr()pl'fly alllM,'~hll! Ie) "':tlcrj;l.l~ ~lll(j c:qulprne..""1 ddl\....rc...d ~uld sull:lhly Sh)r('t.l ~II 11""
<br />~ih: Ii.lf l'iuhse..'t.luc;m in"'I.lq')t)~lthm ii' Ihe L"(nnplc.."u:c..Il,'lu'SrfU,,"tlon (or. if ~lppn)\'t.t.Il11 ml\":mn,' h)' tl1l,' ()......I"'... ~lIU;lhly shlrt'd 1.,11' IIIl'
<br />silt: 111 :I)()\':nlon i\J(fl.'l'd (11)f1n In wrltlf'))(), Ic~s rct..lna~c of
<br />"""..:nt! %);
<br />5.6.3 Suhu,u.'1 the..' :1fl,Mf<'1Y1t<: uf prt.'\'k)US p;lymcnl!i made hy the Owner: ~lOd
<br />5.0.4 ~uhlr:le..'1 mHutllUS. Ir ~ny, (or whll,'h Iht:' ^rl"hhen h~IS ~"ithht:h.1 or Il\llUfic;d ;, C,.-rtlll,'",,,, li)r Pilytll('''' UN 1"...."'".1(." In 1':11":"
<br />Mr:.II)h lJ.'i Or the..' (~<<.:tle..'r.11 Cunt.litions.
<br />5.7 'I'll..' proJ.tn:s," p:tpW.:1'll :Imount 1,1\.'Il'mdnnl in ;It't'lJrd;mcc with P:1r.l~r:lph ").6 :-;11..11 hI...' furllu.:r olOl,lilit'll und..'r 111(' fnl1uwln~
<br />,"irc,\IIU"'.:(11""\,,'1oI'
<br />5.7.1 Add, \Iptm Suh~t:lOtl:J.I Completion of lht Work,:I sum ~umdent to incr'='A'C: the: total JlaYIl)e...nt~ tu
<br />perceOl ( %)c)l'll1\' (:')11I1'\1e..1
<br />Sum. Ic.'s" stlrh :.amount:' 3~ tht' Arc:hiIC(,'1 shall dl'u.:rlTllnc fur Ill(omplclc Wurk :.IOd un!'l'ttk'c.t c.:I:dln~: :lnd
<br />5.7,2 ^dl,l. If tin:.1 c.'utul'Ic..'rlon uf the..' Wurk Is the..'ccaflcf m:ucri:rll)' dd~lrr:d ~hmllMh no f':.luh uf II..... (Amtr:....lur. :Iny :lddlllnn:11
<br />:'IllIJUIl1S p:cY;lhlc..' 11\ :lC,.l.onJ:.m....". with Svhpal'~Rr;lph ').lC),:\ or the (rco.."rJI Cooditl(lns,
<br />5.8 IInl"".I..".., IlInl,,"I,," ..f ",,"In"lle, I( :!ny, ,holl be; :1,< r<lll<lw,;
<br />III" ,. "'("""."', l,nllO' ,., .,,,/,.,,,,,11,,, (.;,,,,/,/(";CIII ul llot. j.,'u.... "'~"". ", ,,'(IH''1' ", I1ml1 1111.' "'II.IIIItI}((" n',,,,1I''',, I""'" ,~"./It.'n 1"""""'" /"'j""'" III '\""Iton...
<br />,~,~"".. -:., , .llIj' 'i "'.' lllli"',', "ml ',';.W I.' ",,' 1:\1"",,,,..,1 ~,t.'<w"./,,'n' ;'/ 1111.' (;."",.(,(', IJlH"WIl"".W, '".~c"'f I",,,,, ,.n.";"/",,,'"'' ,"'111 ,\.,111' ",,,, 1""'''''/fll'"II,
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<br />AlA DOCUMeNT "'0", . ('wr'U:KC:I,NTItA<:,'OIt M:Iu-a;M"')>:". ,'W"'''''''''' ..nn'loN. AlA'" . ('_'I'm"
<br />TIUI. MWICU .'\~ I~!\ Il'rt ''1'1; t W ^Mc:lIITt'.<:'I'S. 1";1'i NIlW YOMK ^Vf.;o.;t.,~, N.W" W",SIII:-:<;"( );0.;, I>,c.;, .lUllI,h
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<br />Al01-1987 4
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<br />WARNING: Unlltonl&6d photocopying vlol.'till u.s, copyrlghllllW8..-d I. ....bJec::IIO legel prvHC\lIlGI'l.
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