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<br />~4/~B/2~~~ ~4:19 <br /> <br />9~3'32524B5 <br /> <br />BUZBEE COMPANY <br /> <br />PAGE ~5 <br /> <br />ARTICLE e <br />FINAL PAYMENT <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />1:11\~,1 rr..yrncnt. ('fln~tit\ltinK tht" entire: unp'.dd tnl'-J\C<: of the C..>ntn.ct slim. :;h;11) he: mOlcJe." hy 1h(' Ownl"r It} Ihe.' <:tmtr:k'hlr wllt'n (J) <br />tlw C:ontruc..'t h:l~ bt."t"n fully JX~rr()tmed hy the Cuntf2ctor except tnr the Control.(.'tof','1 reipon,..lhUUy tn ("C)rrl.,'"' Illlnc:ul1flJttUh\)( <br />"'turk :Lli pr\lvldl,,"d In Sl,lhf)2r~RI"'.lph 12.2.2 uf the G(ner-Jt C()ndltlon~ to ~:ltisfy other f(."(lulrt.'m(.nt~. Ir~n)'. whh:h 'l('C,'('S.'i:lrUy <br />",uf\'lv(' Iln:d J'Y.'ym('nl: and (l) a 11021 CC:rlUl<."atc: (nr Paymcnt h1' hc:cn I,:-;u~ oy the An;hlt<..oc,'t: :i\ll:h final Jl~lyn1c.,\t sh~llIl)(" lU:tt,lc; hy <br />Ihl..' ()wnl..'r nnl mort' Ih:m :\0 d:l}'" ;Arret the 1!l;511~n('~ ()r.h~ ArC'hltrc-"s fin:tl Certlfit,,:ue (..( P:I} II' :l'i liJUows: <br /> <br />I <br />I <br /> <br />, <br />, <br /> <br />ARTICLE 7 <br />MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS <br /> <br />....... <br /> <br />7.' Wht.'r,. nO(Nt'nc(" I.It m~ld(' In this ^Rret!'ment It) :l prnvl~lnn ()f Ihe (ji!'n...r~ll C.,n..titl, Ul~ fir :.ncnh("r (~'lnI~I'" I '.Ie t(',lltlt"m" Iht" r(.r <br />('(("Ot'(," rt.'ft.'rs In 111:11 pruvt'iion U!'I ~'Olt'ndc.'t.l or ~\Ipplcmt'ntcd hy mhc.'r provll"loo~ of lht'"t l)u,'UI11t.'n(S, <br />7.2 J':lyme,'nls c.hlt' :Inc.l unp:Jld under Ihe Cun,,....." :'\hwl bt:'Jr lote-rest [rum the: o:Ut", puymt'nll~ du~.-t Ih(' r~te.' SHIH'd hdlJ\\', ur In <br />Ih(' :Ihsr.'lll"" thereof. :11 tht: Ic.'K"t fOlIc.' prt,,"::liliOK (mOl Urnc tU llmc at the plan' whc.'rc: the.' Prujc.....t Is 1Il,.:lt\.,,",. <br />tt".,.'''' mI.' '!I i,,'C'~I" (Wn...'tl "INII1. (f cmy,) <br /> <br />"1",,.,. '""~ tlnd f't'(/"i,(""(',,,.., ",.Ut" lbe- "~'t/(.rtlI1'rlith In l.t,utUIJl A,". stmltul" .dill.' Imu tU(f,( ('CI,,",,,,,,,'rc-,('(lilltltf'''' ,111,1 111114''' "''H,d"IIIm,\ I" II... I ",.If.'I'... ,m.1 <br />(.i"'/rC'flU"~" /l"/I'''/IIt''I'/'''''''~ IIf "",';"('!f~. /1I1"'I("""",'''f 11If' ""I)('f.'/ fln(1 4!/J''f,'/:Ic''''''''''Y''./lf't'I ""'NII/tllIl' ,,/11.1;.\ ''I'''I'i.<i.." 'f'}.;.'" ",','1." '/"mM I",. 111."",,,..1 <br />"..11. ....11/.....' '" ",'I,'Ii"".< (II' "1f1(l~,k,'II"",(, """ "/,~" ,.",,,,..11"14 n-qfflrl'mr'"lI/lIff''' ff.~ wnlll'" .Ii.~t'tll:<llf"l'.\ "1' "'.",,,'''~ I <br /> <br />7.3 ()tht!:r p(t'Yl."lon:J; <br /> <br />" <br />" <br /> <br />ARTICLE 8 <br />TERMINATION OR SUSPENSION <br /> <br />\ <br />I, <br />il <br />" <br />if <br /> <br />...... <br /> <br />8.1 Thl' Cnntr.ll"l may M 'l.'rmln~I''''.1 hy th~ O'vner or the Con'r-.\c\ut :L'f "rcn-lc,ll,'(,t In Artkh: H ,If chI,' <ktwml C..lhlhk.,'~, <br />8.2 The.' Work tn:IY he ~u:o;pC:r\e.Ir.:d hy the.' Owner;.ls pmvldt!d In Attldc 14 of the: (;l..'Ol'r~J <:ondhlt\ll:-. <br /> <br />AlA DOCUMeNT .101 . oWN-e1t c.:C)l"ITIl"CTClIl A(;Mtl.tiMl{Nl'. TWF.t.P1'" ,f.1)I"'ION. AI"" . 1'\;IWf' <br />TIIt~ ^MmUt:^N INs't'I')'I"'(~ c)fl Alc(:ltln.c;T~. 17:''1 Nil'*' Y()J(KAVf.l'ft'H. N.W,. ",^SllISt;"!"()S, n.t:. 11""lh <br /> <br />A101-19B7 5 <br /> <br />WAANlNO: UnII,.ntltd pholocoP'llng vlaI.tet U,S. copyrlghlllWli and It tut>ltel to leg.' prolecutlol\. <br />