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<br />~4/~Bf2~ee ~4:1~ <br /> <br />';Itj,jjL:'.l,",O:J <br /> <br />UU'-l.J........ ""'.....'" ,,,,. <br /> <br />ARTICLE 6 <br />PROGRESS PA"(MENTS <br /> <br />~ 6.1 11:0......1 UpOll AI'I,IiC-Jllons (m PJyment suhmIClc'tII"lhe Archhc'Cl by Ihe CllnlrJC10t oml (:crlln,'Jte. for J'''ym<:''I Is",,',1 by .1", <br />"n,'hl","(".. du.' Ow",:r shall,,' pr()~rc~"i p:J.ymc:J'\t~ on :u:c,'IJunt of the <:unrract s\.lm to the..' CUI11r.IC,"Ult ;L... pOI\-h,II,'\1 hdol\\" \u\d <br />,.'l'<<.'whc.:rc.: 11\ the (;UI\U"J.c,,'t l)(,)cumc:nl~. <br />5,2 '11Ic'p,'rl,..1 <'II"e"'<.I hy c,,,h AppllC:lll<m f..r P.yroent ~h.1I b<: on~ C-Jlcod" ",oOlh endll,/( 0" the 1:"1 d:l\' "I'll\<, ,,,oll,h,.":L< <br />I"llh)w:\: <br /> <br />5.3'lr,l un ^1'I'UI,:atlnn (or V:\}'ml,,'nt L.. rc."Cc:b:c:d hy the Archilt'CI nUl J2tCl' Ih:an the: <br />c..l:tyur:a. I'lU.lnth,lhc: ()WI,cr shall tn;tkc p:.aymc:nl hi the <:Cmtt'.alr.11)r nol 1:1tc.:( Ih;1I1 <br />Ill<' cJ'JY of Ihe O'IlOlh, If:lf1 Applic':llloo (lIr 1':I\,n\<'OI l' ",,'Iw<l h\, Ih" <br />^rrhlu.'\" n(",:r II,,: :Ipplt.,;u,lun "t,ne: fix,'",' "hnv~. pll)'mcl"lt ~h:lll he m';tv&: h)' .he Ownel' nm 1:.UCl' Ih:II' <br />dar~ :.arh:r the ^n"hlh~('t rcc:c:iYr..~ chI! Applll"Utlon fur V-Jymcnl. <br /> <br />5.4 H:ll.'h :\prIUI.-:llllln fl'l' 1~')"Illl"'lu sh~ln ht.. h~~e..'d ullIU\ the: ~dlC,:",luh: clf\'1,hu.:s ~I.lhtnttlt'l1 hy tlw ~:t'ntr.u..tut III :1"....lm.l;lIu"I" with <br />111,,'1 :111I11':1,'1 I )IK'UlHl'IU\{. TIll' :'\d1,,'duh: of \':.111.'''':'1 sh:11l ;JlhJ4.::lt..' \h\' \.'11111"1,,' t:IIlltl11\" ~Ulll :11 11\ IIlJot II.." \,:,r\ll\l:'\ Ilt II Ilc Ill" I,fll"" \,(ilrk <br />.md t'l(' 1'1'\'ly'lI"."lln "\Ic.:h limn :.Iud :o.uP(1oC'I\.,,,l hy sudt <.l~lta tl' ~Uh:\t:tnll~\te.." fl.'" :U,'c.'\lr:ll.:Y :L'\ tl",' Ardllt".,,"t limy 0.'\1\111\'. Thi~ N."".t1I1I\"" <br />untt.,..,.. uhh:...",.'..11t1 hy lilt' :\r(hHl.".t. sh~lll h..' Ilsc,,1 :IS:J h:L"ls (tlr n.'\'i\'\\'in~ thl,.' Cl)llll'::ll'h)r'~ :\Pplir':.lIlull!\ for 1':'Yl1tl:nl. <br /> <br />5.5 AI'I'",-.,I",,' ror P"l''''enl .h.Jllnclle"l" the' pcr\'elll~RC of complelion of ",,'h portio" or 11><, W"rk :t.' orlhn'nd "r,h"j,<,rl,,<I <br />,'uv,,'n:d h)" thl' Apr'!ie....Jlllln (ur I':,yrnc:nt. <br />5.6 suhl..'(( to thl'l'n)...I:dolls or the..' (;\lm~I"'\ J>Oc..'\lIm:nt:.. the: :J.rJlOl,lnl uf \...Jt:h prn~n.-:;S p:t~'mC:ll1 shjll hI..' c'.UlllpUl,,'d :t... r'II1I1W~: <br />5.6.1. 'l~tkf,.'lh:1l punltJlI'lftlW l:t)lllr;ll.:t ~I.lI'l pnlpcrly:t1hlc,":.\hle tU<,,"Onlt',lt!tcd W{lrk :lith:tc"rJl1111I."dhy IlmhiplyhlAlht.'I'I\.ft....nt:l)ll. <br />'''11I1'1''11''11 or,'"d.I''''''' "' of,he WllI'k hl' Ih,' ,harc "r Ille 11l~,1 \:oncrJ'" ~,"I)l :l1I1l""",1 " ,.1"" J~ ..'...... ,,(.h,' "'; ".. ;.\ .1.,' ,,'h,',I..I,' <br />t)f V;tI\I\.'~ Ic.:s." rct~lh)~IHI,' ClI' l~r..''''llt <br />( ';to). pe.."nt,lh'lj-t fin:lI (,lc:te..'nnin:lllon uf co~t ttl lh~ (')wn<:tnr <.'h:l""'.C~ hllhl' \'(.\)I'k. :unuunt'i Ill)( hlllh.' \l1:"p\l\\' m~IY Iw <br />hwhld,,"d :L'\ 'lrO\'ic.1n,lln SI.lhpar.I)(t";lf1h ~."~.7 "rlhe: (ic:nc:r.d <:ondl[l{)n~ (,"ve..'n rhouy.h tl\\',' t:unlr:trl ~um h:l~ nCll yr' h"''''1l :1c.1iuSl"",1 <br />hy Ch:\n/(c Order: <br />5.6.2 ,\\1..1 th:tt I"'lrlioll uf rh\.' ~um propc:rtr ulloc,':,lhll! to "'~Itc.:rl;lb :1J)c..! (."(lulprne(1l ddi\',,'rc,'c,1 ~\I1~1 sult;lhly sh\tl'<.l :llllw <br />:<tit," r,.r ~\lh.'\I,'<.I\,n,'ll1 il\l,'lq')l.)r:.ltloll iI\ Ih\." "'()l11pletc.:cJ l'lll'l:\trUl.tlon (or. If :tpprcWI:<.lln :llh-:u\t'\.' hr tlte.' ()Wlwr. :'\UII:lh1y slIlI'\"d c,n'lh\' <br />:-li1\,' UI.1 hk,,:nlt)l1 ~'J(fl,'C.' \,ll'KlIllI\ wrltlllX), h';:l1 I"ct...ln.I~t." t,' <br />l",r\'I."I( %); <br />5,6.3 S\lhlr,l<'1 111<' ;IlQlreK'"~ \If fltev;O\" p:lynlCll" ",;Id~ by the Owner: :lnd <br /> <br />5.0.4 ~uhtr."1 UflunllltS,lrany. (or whlc,'ll the' An:hhe..1:t h~IS .....hhhdc.l ur nvllifl\.."t:1 c.:f,,'rtilku,,' 1"1'( 11.1)'111\'''' u~ pl'\wl"~"" III P:II':I. <br />KI"'.tllh t}5 uf Ihe: (~l,,"t'Ic."r.11 Cun"..Htl\ms. <br />5.7 '11,... I"I(I)~I\"S.'\ Jy.lynll.:lll :Ul\tmnl ,h,"1cC'mhwd in :1,,'t'\lrl1:tnc:e with p~U~IKrJph "),6 sh~ln he (url1n'r nlO\1ilk\1 ul' III\' fnllt'WIIl}t <br />drt.\II1\lII':'n....."': <br />5.7.1 ^d<l, \I[l\1I\ ~\lh<l~nU.1 CutnpleU"o or \he Work, . ~um >uCOdent [() Inm:..,' th~ IOI:>! p.ymenl' 10 <br />pcrccnt( .x.) l,rl!W (:I)I1tr.Ie..'1 <br />:'lUlU. I..~, sud' anUJlIllt:i:L'\ the Arc.:hilc,;c,'1 slt:lll c.Jctcrrnh'\e fur Incnnlp1ctc w'uck :llld un~'nlc.-tl c,;l:dln:i: :10..1 <br />5.7,2 ^..Ie..I. I( lin:d C,.clmr\I\."(ion c,lf the \Vurk Iii the..'rC::1ftcr m:.arcrl:III)' del:l)'C:cJ thm\l~h no (:1\,111 ur II1\.' (AUllr:I".tur. :lnr mldlllnn;d <br />:nulJun1s 1"I:'Y~lhlc..' In :I~'\'\,rt.bll\"\' with suhpat:l~rJph ~UC).;\ uf the (;cne..'roa1 Con<.litlc.)llS. <br />5,8 11",1\1\"1.,,, or IImlmllon "f MJlnJRc, If any, .n.1I be.., rnllow.: <br />1/1 II " ''''''''''''''. 1"'11//. ", ,,,,,,,,,",,tf,,, (:"'"I'',.ti4''' 11/ t"I"'''''''''' lI'~,,..... If' ,.('(lu\,' 11,.1/",(1''''' l'tol,lIl1ll.Y.t' n':ud';"}ll""/" II", /It.,..,.,,,''J....,. '11.....',,1 '"~ ..""/..,,.,, ,I <br />gro'/t/.. "I, I .,,,,, '\ h~' ,dN"','. ,,"tl Ihi.' I> ,,,,, C~W'III/"''C1 ,'hl'lI"loc'n' i" II". (:.."''''~'' IJlII""""'".'. '".~c"11"'''''/''''''I.,;''"'''''. ..,.". ,....11,. ".,11 lor It"'"",,,,,, , .' <br /> <br />...... <br /> <br />AlA DOCUMCHT A1C11 . tIWNI:ItC:I)f"TIIAI~l'CJR AI;"V...:M~.,.,"T. TWt(I.IITH t'1)1,'I()N' AlA" . 1i.II'J"" <br />'.111'. At.WIlII ..\:" 1=""'lrn~rlll n: AIU:IIITf.\:1'S, .-,Ii Nt!W YOKK ^Vt'M"'\'I'J~ N,W., W....SllI:O;C,:,.O:'>. f,.c.;. IfillI'll'> <br /> <br />Al01-1967 4 <br /> <br />WARNING: Unlltt"..d pholocopylno viol.'''' US. copyright IIIWW "nll;ll. ...,blect 10 legal pro.~lIo..." <br />