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<br />~4/~8/2~a~ ~4:19 <br /> <br />9039252485 <br /> <br />bULb!:.!:. ~UI'II-'I-\NY <br /> <br />rHUl:. tJ:.J <br /> <br />ARTICLE II <br />FINAL PAYMENT <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />"Io\al p'dymcnl, cnn,tit\llinK the cnllre unp'dl<.l tnJ:lJ\CC "f.he Cunu..c:t Sum, ,h.1I "" m~<.I~ hy Ih~ Own~r In Ihl' <:nnlr:1<1,'r wlll'1\ (II <br />tl\<.o <:c,ntr:l<.1 h:L't hcen fully performed hy the C:untr2crnr exC't."pt (t\r the C:untr,u,""f'll rt':'p<..n'iihIJU)' It. \.CJrn.....' 1U1I\,,'111(IJl'lllhlM, <br />Work:L< pn>vI,I~d In suhl"'rJRr:lph 12,2,2 or th~ G(ncrJl Condition. .nd '" "Jtl.ty mher "'<I,drcmcnt.,lr.n}', whkh nl'I'\'S,'~rill' <br />HIU'\'lv(' nn.d r:tymc,onl: :and (l):.I no:.t Cc:rtltl<.-.ltc rnl' Payment h2." hccn L1.OljuC'd h)' .he An-hIH..'(1i s\'c.'h (\nul paynlf,:'1'U :oihillllw In:ld(' hr <br />Ihl.' Own"", nlll n\tlr~ Ih:m :\0 d;l~'" :lflcr thl! l~"I"Jnl"l! or (he ArC'hltt('l'~ nn:11 C:(."nlfiC"'Jle r", l':l}'m,,'nt. n( :l'l ((,Uo\\,s: <br /> <br />ARTICLE 7 <br />MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS <br /> <br />...... <br /> <br />7..' wht.o,r n'(c.'rt'nC'c l!'to m~d(.' In Ih1... ^Hfcemenr lC\ :I prnvi~I"n nr rh~ Gen...nll ('.flnl"lililln~ Ilr :lnc)lht'r C:llnlr:U'1 I'). "'\I"'C'I1I, 11w (l.r <br />,'(c.'m'c.' rckrs Il) Ih:lr pn)vl"itm u... ~'mend<<:d or JIi\lpplc'mcntcd hy uthc:r pruvisl<ms llf Ill!'" C:tllllr;l<:t IA)l,,'\ll}1!,."Us., <br /> <br />7.2 J':lymc.'nls c.1u<,' :and unp:.l1d \lnder the (:untl"'"l<:t ~hwl b(;"'J,r Imc:rc:st (rum the u:~tc (Y.l)'mcnl L'i tI\le at lhe.' r"JH,' "t:lIe.'c.1 hl,;ltJ\\", c)r in <br />Ihe.' ;111."<.'1\\'" thereuf, ;11 th<<: h,'i(al r:,t",' rr""\o'~lIinK (mm time HI lime :.t Ihe pl:.tce.' whc.'r!'" the.' 1'(\*," Is 11~';I1l,,'d, <br />t1""I'r'r"'("'.I'IIIVt'f"'(lJI.r~'tIIlI"/Il, tJcmy,) <br /> <br />1t"IU'r I",.'j if HI/ rn/"jrvn'c'''','f ",.c/(', Ih" f'w/('rt,17',.lllh In l.imWtJ( Ac", :lImit",,. !lltll" ",,,/ "lftll ("m.utlllt'rt7('(lit 1'''f'~ ,ItIt/lllll('" r''N"I"lInfl,\ ", 11.." ''''''c''''''' ,mol <br />t:'.."r,,, "":" /1"f"',It" /I",t..1I "rhu.'fMc~"., tilt' I"nllim, "I,h, ""'j",'1 11"II4'lJ,'II'/)I"I' "''',1'',/)1'1'1 rbl,,.,,II,IIf.. I" tbj~ I",','i.u',,,, II'X"I ,,,1.'1.,, ,1,.",/./ ''''I,'''"u,.,.1 <br />",,1/. f'J':ff"'f" In ,/,'II',i"".1 fI' pu,lf/il'<<'I,IIflll,C, ,1111' f'I,~" n.'s:tlf'rttll/{ n,,"'''''''''''I')I lIIl.'I, 4'1f "'nit,..,, '/U,"/II,'''''I'Io It,. ,,'t''''''') I <br /> <br />7.3 ()thc:r rcuvl"lun:t: <br /> <br />.' <br />" <br /> <br />ARTICLE 8 <br />TERMINATION OR SUSPENSION <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />8.1 'rhe.' Cnntr.l.:t tT\:iy hI!' fc:rmln-:.'f,,'c.I hy th~ O~'nt.:r or the C()ntt"'..\~tur ;\.'1 prcl\'h.ll,'t,lln ArHc,'Ic: J ,} t" th..' (:..'f1\'ml <:..n~IiII"'l:o, <br />8.2 'l'tu,,' Wc)rk m:IY he :4u."J"H:ndcd h~' the Owner :1'1 provided In ^rllc,'lc 14 of the: (jc:m."ral Cnndlclclll.... <br /> <br />AlA DOCUMeNT A101 . oWN'l!k (:Of'ol'flt.M:Ttllt A<.Mti.f.MF.Nl' . TWF,LPTII t:f)I"J'IO~. AI"" . l\llWt'" <br />"Ill~ AMI!Klt :AN INs"!'I')'1 "n; c n' AR( :11l1.r.<:l'~. 17,\'\ NI-;W Y<< Uc,){ ^Vf.l'lI'I'.. N,W., WASIII~t iTC )N. n.t:' 111111)h <br /> <br />A101-1987 5 <br /> <br />WAANINQ: Unll(:ff'.~ pholOCOpylng vlolaln U"S, copyright I.. Md It .ul)l~llo l-U.1 proaecuUof\. <br />