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MINUTES <br />AIRPORT ADVISORY BOARD <br />TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1980 <br />7:15 O'CLOCK P. M. <br />CITY HALL <br />PARIS, TEXAS <br />The Airport Advisory Board met in regular session at City Hall, Tuesday, <br />September 30, 1980 at 7:15 P.M. with the following board members present: <br />1. Rick Rex - Chairman 3. JoAnn Ondrovik - Secretary <br />2. James Moseley <br />Others present were: <br />1. Jim Collier - Airport Manager <br />2. Johnny Bell - President PAAC <br />3. Don Whitaker <br />4. Jimmy Wren <br />The meeting was called to order by Chairman Rex and the minutes were approved <br />as mailed to members. <br />Old Business: <br />1. Discussion of disposal of three old T- Hangars: <br />Mr. Wrenn notes no progress has been made but cooler weather should <br />facilitate the necessary work. The City Council approved the Board's <br />proposal for purchase of tank, truck and filter system at $26,150.00. <br />Dr. Ondrovik made a motion seconded by James Moseley that the Board <br />recommend that the City sell the old hangar in closet proximity to Wren's <br />hangar that presently houses the fire truck to the highest bidder, as <br />soon as possible, to clear the area adjacent to the proposed fuel tank site. <br />Board members were urged to attend October 7, 1980 at 10:00 A.M. when the <br />Texas Air Tour will make a Howdy Stop on its tour from Longview to Breck <br />ridge. <br />2. Jet fuel tank storage and delivery. <br />