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MINUTES <br />AIRPORT ADVISORY BOARD <br />TUESDAY, MARCH 31, 1981 <br />7:15 O'CLOCK P.M. <br />COUNCIL ROOM - CITY HALL <br />PARIS, TEXAS <br />The monthly meeting of the Airport Advisory Board was held at 7:15 P.M. Tuesday, <br />March 31, 1981 in the City Hall Council Room with the following members present: <br />1. Rick Rex - Chairman 3. Allie O'Brien <br />2. JoAnn Ondrovik 4. Louise Hagood <br />Others present were: <br />1. Jim Collier, Airport Manager <br />2. Bill Boothe <br />3. Jimmy Wrenn <br />The minutes from the January meeting were approved as written. There was no <br />meeting in Febraury. As a first item of business, Louise Hagood was elected <br />Secretary of the Board. <br />Items on the agenda were considered: <br />1. Jimmy Wrenn estimated the old T- Hangars will be vacated by April 30th. <br />2. The final parts for the jet fuel storage tanks have been delivered and the <br />plumbing contractor promises to install them soon. Jim Collier noted that <br />the City has not yet delivered the rock for the road to the fuel storage <br />tank. <br />3. The Airport Manager reported that he had discussed the budget with the City <br />Manager and the items are tenatively set as follows: <br />A. $24,000 for tanks - 80 Octane and 100 Octane <br />B. $25,000 for sand /oil ramp <br />C. $120,000 for additional ramp <br />D. $65,000 for manager's office /pilots lounge <br />It was pointed out that budget sessions will be held when the new council <br />meets in April. <br />Items of new business: <br />Bill Boothe appeared before the board representing the Paris Flight Center, Inc. <br />He indicated that all requirements have been met, such as insurance, classroom <br />space, and aircraft, to operate a flying school. <br />The Board recommends to the Council the granting of a permit and the adoption <br />of a lease to Paris Flight Center, Inc. for twenty ($20) dollars per month to <br />expire with all other permits and to commence after the Council approves. The <br />motion was made by Allie O'Brien and seconded by JoAnn Ondrovik. <br />The meeting adjourned until April 28th. The Agenda will have the same three items <br />of old business. <br />