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from TAC if we can get this started right away. That is the only <br />major area in which we are deficient. Dick Boots has sent a letter <br />to TAC requesting the funding. <br />Cox Field Security Gate: Dick Boots reported that the subject was <br />tabled two meetings ago. The bid by Pridemore Fence is still good. <br />Exemption letter to FAA: we have written a letter to the FAA <br />requesting exemption from portions of FAA Regulation 139.311. <br />Certified Weather Observers: No action has been taken on designating <br />or qualifying individuals as weather observers at Cox Field. It would <br />be necessary to send in reports to cover each 24 hour period. The <br />value of such 24 hour coverage is questionable when the cost and <br />inconvenience is considered. An alternative to weather observers and <br />reporting to Flight Service would be an Automatic Weather Reporting <br />Station. No cost figures are currently known on the AWRS. The board <br />agreed that we should discuss this item again at the next meeting. So <br />far as is known, no action has been taken by the City Council. <br />Discussion of 1988 -89 budget preparation: after discussion it was <br />moved, seconded and passed that the board recommend that the following <br />be added to the budget: <br />Build Headwalls at the street culverts - $15,000. <br />Replace road surface in parking area and circle at terminal - <br />$27,500. <br />Architect Fee - $3,500. <br />New Business: <br />Bring thoughts on a five year plan to the next meeting. <br />Vic Abeles thanked Mr. Ritchie, F.B.O. for sending his personnel <br />to the FAA refueling seminar at Mr. Ritchies's expense. Such <br />training increases the quality of service provided to all pilots - <br />local and transient. <br />Vic Abeles discussed the problem of security for the FBO's <br />equipment and stock in the terminal. It was suggested that the FBO <br />write a request to Dick Boots outlining his needs. <br />The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 P.M. <br />Q <br />J.W. Ashmore <br />Recorder <br />JWA:dep <br />