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MINUTES <br />AIRPORT ADVISORY BOARD MEETING <br />TUESDAY, APRIL 26, 1988 <br />COX FIELD <br />PARIS, TEXAS <br />The meeting was called to order at 6:10 P.M. by Chairman Bill Boothe. <br />The following members were present: <br />Bill Boothe, Chairman <br />J.W. Ashmore, Recorder <br />Victor Abeles <br />Greta Greb <br />Joe Burress <br />Members absent: none. <br />Visitors: <br />Jim Collier, Airport Manager <br />Dick Boots, Director of Community Facilities <br />The minutes of the March 29, 1988 meeting were approved as read by <br />unanimous vote. <br />Jim Wilhite did not show up for the meeting to discuss NDB. The <br />Chairman moved that it be moved to the next meeting agenda. <br />Mrs. Greb's report on the TAC meeting in Austin: <br />a. One of the major items discussed was "How to Organize <br />Community Support for Your Airport ". Attached is a copy of <br />the article "What's Your Airport Worth ?" <br />b. We can probably expect a state tax on aviation gas. The big <br />question is whether it will be a designated or non - designated <br />tax. <br />c. Any future federal funding will be contingent upon each <br />airport having a current five year plan for airport physical <br />facilities. Any community not submitting such a plan will not <br />be eligible for funding from the federal government. <br />d. The advisory committee discussed forming an Airport Support <br />Group in the community. Committee members suggested several <br />names of community leaders to be contacted about serving on <br />such a committee. After these people have been contacted, the <br />advisory board will take further action. <br />Discussion of estimated cost involved in Part 139 Certificate: <br />Dick Boots handed out copies of the specifications for the Part <br />139 Certificate. An estimate of $9000.00 was received as the <br />cost of installing lighted guidance signs. We can get 69% funding <br />