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MINUTES <br />AIRPORT ADVISORY BOARD <br />TUESDAY, MARCH 29, 1983 <br />CITY HALL - COUNCIL ROOM <br />PARIS, TEXAS <br />The Airport Advisory Board met in session at City Hall on Tuesday, March 29, <br />1983 at 7:15 P.M. with the following members present: <br />1. Richard Rex - Chairman <br />2. William Boothe <br />3. Gene Sudduth <br />4. Dr. Edward Keller <br />5. Kristina Campbell - Secretary <br />Also present were Jim Collier, Airport Manager, Robert A. Lockmiller, Ed <br />Giddings, Jasper Jenkins, Joe Burress, Austin D. Ellis, Dorris Ellis, Sherri <br />Babb, Joseph R. Bakewell, Sonja Boothe, Melissa Mahan, Rebecca Anne Campbell. <br />The minutes for February 22, 1983 were approved as read. <br />Mr. Collier asked if Item #3 under New Business could be considered before <br />Old Business. Mr. Rex asked the Board if they had objections - there were <br />none. <br />Mr. Sudduth moved that the City Council pass an ordinance prohibiting parking <br />on both sides of FM 1508 adjacent to Airport property. Bill Boothe seconded <br />the motion. <br />Mr. Rex asked the purpose of the motion. Mr. Sudduth stated that during air <br />shows a hazard existed when both sides of the road into the Airport were <br />completely filled with parked vehicles. Any emergency vehicle needing access <br />to the Airport would have trouble traveling the road. The motion passed <br />5 -0. <br />OLD BUSINESS: <br />1. Road Surfacing - Mr. Rex requested a report on the oiling or surfacing <br />of the gravel road to the back hangar. Mr. Collier told the Board no funds <br />were available. <br />Mrs. Campbell asked why the funds in the 1982 -83 Airport Street and Alley <br />Repair (Acct. # 601- 004 -007) were not available. She noted that the Airport <br />Board at their February meeting had voted to request these funds for use in <br />surfacing the road. <br />Mr. Collier said he felt that the budgeted money should be spent repairing <br />a water leak that was causing problems with the jet fuel tank. <br />Mr. Sudduth replied that $1,107.66 existed in the 1982 -83 Airport Budget under <br />Building and Grounds (Acct. #601- 004 -001) which could be used to repair the <br />leak. If these funds were used, the road could be repaired using the Street <br />and Alley money. <br />