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HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF PARIS <br />REGULAR MEETING <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MEETING <br />MINUTES OF September 19, 2017 <br />Present at the Meeting: <br />Gary Savage — Chairman of the Board of Commissioners <br />TK Haynes — Vice Chairman of the Board of Commissioners <br />Dewayne Dangerfield — Commissioner of the Board of Commissioners <br />Brenda Cherry - Commissioner of the Board of Commissioners <br />Deanna Nickerson - Commissioner of the Board of Commissioners <br />Sally Ruthart — Executive Director <br />Kim Snow — PHA Inspector <br />Kelly Crawford - PHA Social Service Coordinator <br />1. Meeting Called to order at 12:36 pm on Tuesday, September 19, 2017 by Chairman of <br />the Board of Commissioners, Gary Savage. <br />2. Having all five Board Members present, a quorum, Mr. Savage thanked and welcomed <br />everyone to the meeting. <br />3. Citizens' Forum Opened - No one at the meeting to speak. Forum closed. <br />4. Minutes from the August 15, 2017 Minutes were approved with a motion made by <br />Mr. Haynes and seconded by Mr. Dangerfield. Passed 4-0. <br />5. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: <br />a. Raccoon problem @ George Wright Homes - Pest Control was called by the PHA and <br />they notified the PHA that all the traps were being used now, but they would let us know <br />when they had one available. <br />b. PH Flat rent letter to the Director of HUD - Mrs. Ruthart explained that she wanted to <br />give HUD -Ft. Worth an opportunity to lower the PHA's flat rents before a letter was sent <br />to Washington, DC. PHA has had no response from HUD Ft. Worth. Board directed Mrs. <br />Ruthart to send letter to Washington DC. <br />c. Commissioner Cherry - Complained that Abacus did not do an adequate job and did <br />not test the mold in the 3`d bedroom of unit 406 George Wright Homes. Mrs. Ruthart <br />explained that she could not control what and where they saw to test. Ms. Nickerson <br />asked if the problem has been corrected and Mrs. Ruthart said yes that he was moved. <br />Ms. Nickerson asked why are we still discussing this. Mr. Savage asked if someone was <br />living in it now. Mrs. Ruthart explained that new tenants have moved in. Further <br />discussion was had. Mr. Savage stated that it was not feasible to call Abacus every time <br />the PHA fords a mold/mildew type substance. Ms. Cherry stated that the PHA is not <br />treating the mold/mildew correctly or at all. Ms. Snow told the Board that the PHA is <br />doing the treatment according to HUD standards. Mr. Savage stated that any inhabitant of <br />a home, whether you rent or own, there are things that have to be done by the inhabitant <br />for the upkeep of the unit. Mrs. Ruthart read parts of the Lease about Tenant <br />