<br />107 EAST KAUFM�AN
<br />WEDVESD4AL-Y,0V-KMBEI2 S. 21D17
<br />Present:
<br />Chris Dux, Chairinan
<br />Sarah Barbee
<br />Glee Eminite
<br />Linda Vandiver
<br />D-iniii Frazier, Coinmunitv Development Staff'
<br />Curia Easton, City Engineer
<br />Linda Knox, Council Liaison
<br />Chairman Dux called the meeting to order at 4:00p.m.
<br />Absent:
<br />David Alar
<br />Randv Hider
<br />Cheri Bed/brd, HPO
<br />Guests:
<br />A W Clem, Moore L,a iv Firm
<br />Cfaey,Gain, Moore Law Firm
<br />Stacy, Green, Coca-Cola Seniorl,eaderAip Teatn
<br />Brad A rcher, Smallwood Archer Construction
<br />The minutes of 0clober 23, 2017 were approved by acclamation.
<br />The Public hearing,/br consideration of action on the Certificate ofAroprialeness
<br />PP
<br />application for a demolition permit received by Coca-Cola Southwest Beverages, LLClbr the
<br />Structure designated as./ID-10, Part c?1'1033 Bonham Street, Children's I'ving Ql'the Old
<br />Sanitarium qfJoaris was declared' open 4-v Chairman.Dux
<br />A If' Clem, representing the Alloore Law Firm spoke on behalf ofCoca Cola Southvvest Beverages, LLC,
<br />fin, the demolition for the structure located on the back side of thepropert.y. Mr. Clem coqfirnred the
<br />commission had received the new COA submittals b " v C'oca Cola ivith the updated attachments. He began by
<br />explaining the current condition of the structure. 11c noted that the plant was.fin,7nerly used to bottle Coca-
<br />Cola, but novo this area is distribution center and utilized.f6r loading and servicing tiveky. He explained this -
<br />particular structure has become (in unsafe, and this concerns the compan,V, Ilefiv-ther explained nothing has
<br />been done with the structure.for years due to deteriorating conditions. He brought attention to the PoiwrPoinl
<br />shoiving the interior changesfivni hospital use to maintenance use, noting a lot of"interiorreniodeling took
<br />Palace at some point, leaving nothing of historical value relating to the children's hospital. Aloe,.forsafety saltie,
<br />the company, wants, the structure removed. He further explained that Coca-Cola is sensitive to thefiact that the
<br />entire property has historical signtficance; hovvever, there is nothing at all on the Bonharn Street (main road)
<br />that is even reminiscent (?f the fact that there ivas even a hospital on the site.
<br />Stacy
<br />v Green, Coca-Cola senior leadership representative addressed the commissioners, She explained that
<br />Coca-Cola has been a part of thejabric of Paris.fiv over I 12years as u bottling partner in the coinmunity and
<br />Coca-Cola strives to embrace and be supportive part ofthe community. The hospital structure has been the
<br />topic of many-, discussionsfionr the .senior leadership at Coca-Cola. She related that they aresYntpathefic to the
<br />,structure and it sentimental value to the community. In an effbrt to b�e sensitive to history ol"Paris, they had an
<br />idea to put a memorial to the whole hospital infi-ont cif the current Coca -Colo facility, vvirich itself is a historic
<br />structure. She explained hoivever, the current structure had served no puipose.for inuytylllcurs, it is in a state of
<br />disrepair, has numerous leaks and the company" hasn't been able utilized the building in over 25 years. With the
<br />building removed, the company could leverage thespaelemore appropriatelY.1br the business.
<br />A. W, Clem stated that in talking with the contractor, who has looked (it the building in every aspect. It was
<br />his observation that tire only historicsignfflcance ivas the brick. Coca-Cola ivould be interested in salvaging
<br />