<br />B. Deductive method - deduct the program income from the total allowable costs to determine the net
<br />allowable costs.
<br />I
<br />
<br />PERFORMING AGENCY must expend program income during the Attachment term in which it is earned, and may
<br />not carry forward to the succeeding term, Program income not expended in the term in which it is earned shall be
<br />refunded to RECEIVING AGENCY.
<br />
<br />RECEIVING AGENCY may base future funding levels, in part, upon PERFORMING AGENCY'S proficiency in
<br />identifying, billing, collecting, and reporting program income, and in utilizing it for the purposes and conditions of
<br />the applicable Attachment(s).
<br />
<br />ARTICLE 20. Overtime Compensation
<br />
<br />PERFORMING AGENCY shall not use any of the funds provided by the Attachment(s) hereto to pay the premium
<br />portion of overtime. PERFORMING AGENCY shall be responsible for any obligations of premium overtime pay
<br />due employees, Premium overtime pay is defined as any compensation paid to an individual in addition to the
<br />normal rate of pay for hours worked in excess of normal working hours,
<br />
<br />ARTICLE 21. Eauipment and Supplies
<br />
<br />In accordance with Health and Safety Code, ~12.053, title to all equipment and supplies purchased from funds
<br />from this contract will be in the name of PERFORMING AGENCY throughout the Attachment(s) term(s) or until
<br />the Attachment is terminated.
<br />
<br />Equipment is defined as tangible nonexpendable personal property with an acquisition cost of more than $1,000
<br />and a useful life of more than one year, with the following exceptions: fax machines, stereo systems, cameras,
<br />video recorder/players, microcomputers, software, printers, microscopes, oscilloscopes, centrifuges, balances,
<br />and incubators. If the unit cost of these exception items is more than $500, they will be considered equipment,
<br />must be approved for purchase by RECEIVING AGENCY, and are considered capital assets for inventory
<br />purposes. The acquisition cost is the net invoice unit price of an item of equipment, including the cost of any
<br />necessary modifications, attachments, accessories or auxiliary apparatus necessary to make the property usable for
<br />the purpose for which it was acquired. Supplies are defined as consumable items necessary to carry out the
<br />contract including medical supplies, drugs, janitorial supplies, office supplies, patient educational supplies,
<br />software, and any items of tangible personal property other than those defined as equipment above,
<br />
<br />All items of equipment purchased with Attachment funds must be itemized in the contract budget. Any changes to
<br />the equipment list contained in the budget must be approved in writing by RECEIVING AGENCY.
<br />PERFORMING AGENCY will submit a written description including complete product specifications and need
<br />justification prior to purchasing any item of unapproved equipment. If approved, RECEIVING AGENCY will
<br />notify PERFORMING AGENCY by means of a written budget modification.
<br />
<br />PERFORMING AGENCY shall maintain a nonexpendable personal property (equipment) inventory and submit an
<br />annual cumulative report (TDH Form GC-11) to RECEMNG AGENCY no later than October 15th of each year.
<br />PERFORMING AGENCY shall administer a program of maintenance, repair, and protection of assets under this
<br />contract so as to assure their full availability and usefulness. In the event PERFORMING AGENCY is
<br />indemnified, reimbursed, or otherwise compensated for any loss of, destruction of, or damage to the assets
<br />provided under this contract, it shall use the proceeds to repair or replace said assets, If any item of equipment is
<br />
<br />(LGS)
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<br />2002 GENERAL PROVISIONS Page 14
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