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COu'll'I'liSSIOn Should review changes or clarifications they would like to see, andthen <br />recommend adoption of1he Design standards and changes together to the city COLHICil. ShQ <br />also told the commission while reviewing, the previous meeting minutes for changes that <br />needed to be recorded, there had been several dISCUSSIon,'i, about desired reconunendations. <br />She couldn't find any records in the minutes that the commission actually followed tip on the <br />topics, in their next meetings. There was only one change that she had found in the past <br />minutes that they had actually voted on. This was in addition to the most recent change that <br />had to do with the clarification ol'appropriate window replacements in the district. <br />COrflJIIiSSiO]ICr DUx addressed the commission and asked if they had any reconuliclidations as <br />to how, they would want to do to review, the standards tor changes. COITIrnissioner Coyle <br />noted the impoi-tarice of making Sure the all the changes they needed were included, but he <br />stressed getting them adopted is very important and something that Should happen sooner <br />than later, as the commission has desired to 'get tl'jeni adopted f -or years with no SUCCCSS. <br />ChaIrIlIall DUX requested volunteers to serve on as subcommittee to review [lie design, <br />standards for any clarification, review previous commission's Suggestions, and bring back <br />recommendations to the commission for discussion. Commissioner Coyle, Cornmissioner <br />Hider, and Commissioner Erm-nite agreed to serve on the subcommittee and report back to <br />the cornmission, at the next rneetingi. Cheri will send a list ofineeting minutes where previous <br />commissions had discussed items ol"potential clarifications or additions. <br />f I PO Report: <br />Update <br />eport.- <br />Update on Design Standards for the Historic District- present to C"ity C"OLIFICil with proposed <br />changes. No particular time frarne, but want to make sure that all changes wanted are <br />included in first run. After officially adopted, any changes will be recommended by IJPC, and <br />taken to Council for approval. <br />Water and sewer project is Corning in May, aw <br />nd ill start on N. Main Street next to Pine Bluff <br />and work south toward dowvntown. <br />Kari Dartiel window prQject: I I I Lainar was passed inspection and the grant monies were <br />requested. Commission will take a picture with the proPerty owners presenting the check.. <br />Moffitt Yinaricial ')6 W. Plaza is ooing, to start their, renovation project. They have nioved <br />their offices out of their building and construction will begin soon. <br />Imagine the possibilities tour ofdowntown properties: Tours to take place during <br />preservation month (May 2018). The commission is to make recomrnendallons to individuals <br />who might want to be on the tour. Chairman Dux asked for as list of people who were on the <br />tour last year, and also those who have received grants. Suggestions made at the meeting for <br />tours were Loft at 123, A Parisian A.R air on N. Main Street. The new Paris Bakery. <br />