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<br />d aboul 2l; ..ilos Soulh 50 Dog. 110.t of lho elly of PM'Is.--County of.I.....,
<br />SHaul'T IS a l";)rL of the Js~,IC Cruhe SUI.VCY tJG2 .,nd llac 1.t'II1\1cl CHer !.VI.Yt.')'
<br />~"~ SUlo ~ I 0\ port of a 268 05 acre tract of land convoyed Ilonna Jones el al by
<br />j:)13, M~ 0 n~ 1 5114 NSc' 579, of th'e Deed ~eeol'ds of safd [ounty and Stole.
<br />~eed !"ocrdid ~tV~"'h'on~plh for corner at the Ilorlheast cOI'ner of the IU1. 'Coul'lond
<br />Deg nn n9 1 cornel" of saId Jonos et al tract of 1ond. . .
<br />kurvey :71 at,angethe Soulh lloundary Line of saId JoneS et ,,1 l....ct of '.nd as fol- .
<br />r Tl,ence a on IS Hln ra'st 644 ft.; South 89 Deg. 30 I-Iln. East 388 ft.~ rut at:
<br />lOl,s:I:orlh 8~s~l~ Ille So~lhe;ist cOl'ner of sold Cruise SUl'vey ~nd conUnulng on a tot.
<br />1366.5 ft. l' 945ft to an iron pIn for cornor; - . ..'
<br />dUI.nco of ~I" . 31 o.,g. 30 Hln. (ast "long the "Iest Doundary line of.~.r.. Road 137
<br />Thoneo ~08k~.s ft. to an Iron pIn for corner at \lie .'OSt faslerly r,ol'lhe..t.cor~
<br />a dlsh"ce 0 f saId JOIles et al. tract of lond "nd the Soulheast cprnor of a tracl of
<br />. ner.od the r.rls. nus In~ustrl~l. ro~ndallon by deed reeo,'dod in Vol. 534,
<br />Hnd CO:lVc-y,. said Deed ~ecords; .. . .
<br />f.ge 579, 0 10 9 the South Boundary Une of said Foundatfon and Ihe Ilorlh Dound",y
<br />Thence/Jo~e. et al tract of land as follOl<$: South 89 Oeg. 110st 1551 ft.; Ilo,'lh
<br />LIne of s;IW lIest 3182 ft to a poInt for corner. In a pool at lhe Southuest eornc~
<br />89 Oc~d' 3r Jnl; n lract of land ~nd an el co,'ner of saId Jones ot al lr.ct'of hnd;'
<br />of sU oun' 0 13 'lln. [1St a dlslanee of 742 ft. .to the phc. of begInnIng
<br />Thence Sou~g 4 De9. ,
<br />
<br />'J'AACT I I
<br />
<br />Sltualed 2~ ..lIos South 50 Deg. }!est of the'.City of rarls, County of l....r,
<br />ond Stat. of Tex.s, . part of the Lemuel ("e~ Survey :313, and boing a port 'of
<br />a na,06 .cre lr.ct of l.nd convoyed Oonn. JOMS et .1 by deed recorded in Vol.
<br />SS4. Page 579, or th~ Deed R('cords of said County and SUIte..
<br />Bc-9511ning iIIt an -;,.on pin (or corner in the- Wcost Bounda'q' line or said (ucr
<br />SUI'vey at on ,,1 corner of s.ld Jones et"al lract of l.nd; sald point beIng the
<br />Soull:,..t corner of the Isaac Cruise SUl'vey fl62 and lhe HOl'lheut corner of lhe
<br />H,!.P! & P,R:R. Co. Survey ;637.. .
<br />Thell;:' Soulh 0 Oog.'IS llin. }),st a dislance.of 924 ft. to an ,,'on pin for
<br />(Ol'ncr ~t the- JI'lOst faslcr1y SouthuC's.t COl"Ilcr of said Jon!:.$." cl al t,.act of land;
<br />T;-;,nce (as.t a dist~l1C:c of )062 ft. to an ;rol1 pin for C'OI.ner ~l the Soi,th\'-'c~l
<br />corner of a I,'oct of land conveyed 8111>' J. PUlrldge by deed ,'cco'-dod In \'01.
<br />b9l. P"o 203. of sold Doed Records. said poInt being Hest a dlst.nce of 200 ft.
<br />rron:l, the tnos;.t r.1stcrly Southeast corner of said Jones ct a1 tract or land;
<br />Thence l:ortb 34 DC'g. East a disla.lCc of ')50 ft. t.o .11:1 iron prn for' corn~r
<br />.at l))~ Ho(lhl.-est 'corner of saId Part.ridge- t.ract of lan.d; . . .
<br />.Jhence Soulh 39 De9. 4S Hin. (ast . distance of .00 H. 10 ao i,-on pIn for
<br />corner at th. l~orlhN.t corner of sold Partridge lracl of land;
<br />ll'ence .10119 lhe }!est 80undary Un~ of rUm ~o.d 137 as folloh": Mound a
<br />curVe to the left 164 fl.; liorlh 25 Des. IS I.;in. r..t 76 fl.: I~orth 31 Oeg. 30
<br />l-:ln. East 616 fl. to an iron pin for corne~; .
<br />Then',e ),"o.t a distance of 1826 ft. 10 the pJ.ce of begin!'!ns
<br />
<br />SUBJECT to'oil and gas le3so d~tcd August 7, 1982, to ChalmerQ
<br />OperAting Company, appcnrlng of record in Book 12, ~ge 9a, Oil and C6S
<br />Lea50 Record. of La~r County, Texas, Dnd as Aroo~de~ on July 6, 1982,
<br />between Ponna Jonos at lI1 and 1)0101 Chemical Company (successor to Chalmcr.
<br />Operating company), and ease:Bentl in favor of '1'exa. Power' Light '
<br />COMpany liS appear. of recoX'ch and aa .hOlm on .urvc," mado by J' M Nel',on ..-
<br />Regi.tered fUblie Survoyor of Tex&.. No. 402S, dated April 22 '1982 and !
<br />the ro.ervat10o of 1/16tb ~oo-parttcipatiog roy;~~~~~otera.t !or'lS'year.
<br />reC41ned 1n d,eed claud May 22, 1971 frOOl Jack . ad Willi."., et al to
<br />J, Il. HcUuabl1n x.eox<l4d 1n 1\00k sh, Pag. 735, Lamax Count)' Dud !l.eeord..
<br />
<br />ZlCBUlI'l'1I'
<br />
<br />ItU '547.ri<<241
<br />
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