<br />If-.ql~
<br />
<br />Sllll~\eo ""out Z~ Inl1es South SO Peg. "lest of the ell)' of rads; COllnty of tolnH
<br />nO Stxte of TeToos, a r...t or the Isa.e C,'ulse SVI'vc)' 1'62, ,.,. Jar".n SU1"vey (479 '
<br />no lhe le,"ue' ("er Su,'vey 1313, and being I tnet of lano cOlwe~'ed tt,e rad., Te7.~S
<br />~~usLrla' round~UO~ by deed I"e(o\'ded In Vol. sso, rage 856, of the 0.'0 I:e(ol'ds of
<br />aid County and Stale. :
<br />neg'r,n'ng at .. h'on pin ror corner In the South 80Ilnd,,'; Uno of ll,e Tex.. .no
<br />'aclrie ~al1l'O)d at lhe l:o,'Uwlest cOI'ner of $lId (oundaUon tNct of '.nd, .a\o po'lnt
<br />:elng lhe .:ost (lol'Lhe,")' IlorlheHt ,o,'"er of a tract of land co,,\'eyed O.nn' Jon.s ct
<br />.y de.o.,'ccoo'ded $0 Yolo SS4, rage S79, of .ala Peed Pecol'd.... .
<br />Hence Soulh ~l 636 ft. an iron pin on a pool b",k ..nd c'onllnulns On a lot.l dls
<br />lance of 708 ft. to a point ~or (Ol'ner in said pool At lhe Soulh"est corner of ..Id
<br />'oundallon lraet or l,l~d .lId ~n cl cOI'ner of said Jones ct al trAct of l~nd:
<br />. Thenco alo,'g the Soulh llound.,.y line of ..ld foulld.lllon trACt as follcI<': Soul
<br />.&.7089 Oo~. East 33 .Hn. East 3182 fto; Ilorlh 89 Deg. rut 1551 ft. lo an ll'on pin
<br />for corner at the Soutncast corner of .~Id fOIlM~l~on tract of land and lho Ilorlheast
<br />:ortler. of ..Id Jones ot a1 t,'act of land;
<br />Thonco liorth 31 Dog. 30 tIln. [ost alon!! the \I~st Sound,,")' l~no of Far.. Road 137'
<br />dlst~llC~.of 310 (t. to a concrete ~rker for corne.... . .
<br />Thenco along the Southerly Boundary LIne of loop 11\,.1. :Z8S as folio'.,,, 1I0tlh :z 00.
<br />'5 tlln. lIost 214 ft., North 39 Peg. 151-11n. Wost 654 ft.; 1(0rUI 49 Oeg. 1S Hln: lIest
<br />70Z 1\,. Horth 44 Deg. \lost 276 ft. to I concrete "'~I'1:cr ror COI'nor at tho IllOst IlorU;
<br />orly Ilorlhe.st corMr,of ..ld Found.tlon tr.ct. of l.nd; r -. ."
<br />Thence South/S !log. v.ost along lhe South 80und.
<br />ary line of .ild TcxH and Pacnlc Rallro.d: -
<br />. Cllshnce. of 3864 ft. to the .p1.ce of.
<br />l>cglnnlllll ,
<br />. ..
<br />
<br />~XIIIBIT "A"
<br />
<br />Il,(! 547 f,;:<2~
<br />
<br />.. . .
<br />. ~',
<br />
<br />. ,..
<br />
<br />. ..,. ."
<br />..',. '"
<br />',' .
<br />
<br />. ',';'
<br />. .... .'~'
<br />
<br />. ....
<br />