Public 1 -tearing, wvas declared open,
<br />No one spoke in fiaV01' 01, In opposition of the petition.
<br />PUbfiC i1C,,l1'h1g was deck-tred closed.
<br />Motion was rmade by Rick HU11(31C, WC011ded by John I -cc W approve tile petition. Motion
<br />carried 7-0,
<br />Johrl Lee recused himselffron') item 5.
<br />Motion was made b.y Arjumand Hashmi, seconded by Rick Hundle); ((,), recuse Jolln Lee
<br />from item 5. Motion carried 6-0,
<br />5, Public he(wing to conskler arui take action regarcling the I.Wtilion of lachur,,V Alicliael,fin, a
<br />change in zoningjl-om an Agricultural District (Al to MullijVe-&vnil), Dvvellingv (11F74)
<br />fin- dUlVex, irit.Vex or quo#a,-Vex rental 1volm-fies, on If' AykinsSw-v(?Y,, 7 4icl 80, being,
<br />localelat .50-40 Form Roml 195, 0,92Acres as recortlecl in Nl'urrunfv Deeel,14.5622-201 7,
<br />recor(led 08,10-412,017, Deeci Recorci Lamar t. "o Clerk
<br />Public hearing was declared open.
<br />Nine indiVidUalS spoke in opposition offfie petition,
<br />Larry Carney. 7015 Wendy Dr, flat -is, Texas, spoke in opposition of the petition. Mr,
<br />Carney stated Ile is within iOO 11 -bet offfiis lot, His concern is will this make (ficir property
<br />value go down and wliat kind ofstructure will this be onc. two or three story? fie asked if
<br />there is adequate SeWer available. Mr. Came), asked what kind ofniaterials WOUld be Used
<br />for this properly for exan,iple siding or brick.
<br />Peggy Jack. 7142 Fleather Lane Paris, "lexas, spoke in opposition of, the petition, Ms. Jack
<br />states she is inside the same subdivision and tile), bought flicir properly because it was a
<br />quiet, beautiful area, fam-n-ting and ranching. ?v1s, Jack is afraid that a quadraplex W01,11d
<br />change the whole atmospliere.
<br />Am Crisp, 5310 I'M 195 Paris. Texas, spoke in opposition ofthe petition. Mr. Crisp stated
<br />ffia'l leis property has 2 fiouses between his, lances, e and tile sub.ect property, He states dw
<br />owner did as \N,onderf'W Job of clearing the Subject property and would make a w-onderful
<br />11011 -le site for a single-family home, Mr. Crisp stated flial a (ittadraplex wvould be Out Of'
<br />character for this area.
<br />Unda Terry, 7085 Wendy Ln. Paris, `l emis. spoke in opposition of the petinon. Ms. Terry
<br />States she is a recent widow and she would not feel as safe it'whaL is y)j,(.)I-.)osed iSbUih. Nis,
<br />Terry states she ]napes this area Nvill remain as Private honlcs.
<br />