Wes Darnell, 5080 FM 195 Paris. Texas, spoke in opposition (Alfie petifion, Mr, Darnell
<br />states lie has lived on his property tcir 26 years and the sail-ject property, is next door, to his
<br />property. lie states lie is concerned about the sewer, utilities,. traflic and Im-operly ValUeS
<br />going clo',vn, N"Ir. Darnell states the lot is Nirely large enough for a sinpe
<br />le-I'arnily 11011-1
<br />IIIUCJI less mulliple-Earnily homes,
<br />Bewley Greb., 5290 FM 195 Paris, "I"exas, spoke in opposition of' the petition. Nfi% (ireb
<br />states they are approximately 215 220 feet away front the subject property but tl!Cy' MV
<br />opposed to mulfiple-famil,y homes. He states they been there fifteen years, Mr. Greb states
<br />lie is as real estate agent and there a several beautiffil lots for sale already zoned
<br />IllUlti-fall'Idyor has the potential for multi-filmily,
<br />N/larybeth Burns, 7033 1 leather Ln. Paris, Texas, spoke in opposition ofthe petition, Mrs.
<br />Burns states that she and her husband's property backs up to the subject
<br />jr
<br />ect property, and they
<br />are opp(��ased to any changc that Would allow multi -family IIOUSilly.. They purchased their
<br />property 24 )?earsago so they could raise their children in a peaceful and quiet area vvilere
<br />they could roarn the almost 3 acres. Mrs. Burns stated she is concerned with as lot of
<br />pavement for parking, noise. traffic getting on and offolI N4 195'. crowding and crime with
<br />lots of` people coming and going, Site states she does not know how, a septic s.ystent WOUld
<br />work f'Of the SUb ' ject property. Mrs. BLHIIS further stated there are no other niuld-farnily
<br />homes in that area. She states $he has as huge Concern \vith loss of,properly value.
<br />Sherri N/'Iaggi. 7250 Wendy Ln Paris.Texas. spoke ' I
<br />in opposMon of the petition, Ms. Nlaggi
<br />states she has resided there for thirteen years. She fur -titer states she has as small daughter
<br />and she is concerned about sat,Ivl NIs. Maggi states that most ajmrtnients require teriants to
<br />sign a six-month or one -),ear le
<br />s ase. So vou may Or rilay not have the same neighbors. Ms,
<br />Maggi would like the board to vote against this pctitioil.
<br />Marth,i I lickman, 5 125 Arrflierst Ct. Naris, Texas, spoke in opposition ofthe petition, M&
<br />Hickman states she purchased her propertyr in 2002 fi,orn Mr. Donald Lewis after it became
<br />at [)art of the C)Iy of Paris becaUSe the\? wanted the amenities they had at their previous
<br />residence, She Further states that in 2004 Mr. Lewis deeded alIV Undeveloped land in their
<br />subdivision to their hoineomiers association so in addition to paying, taxes on her personal
<br />lot, she also pays her fidr share of' taxes on the undeveloped Jay
<br />I id along with the other
<br />property, owners. Ms, Hickman States as CILI])]eX, triplex or qUadraplex would have. as
<br />negative impact oil their development.
<br />Two individuals spoke in fawr ofthe petition,
<br />Zach Michael. prol.)ei-ty mvrier ol'5040 Farni Road 195 and owner oftact 'Therapy onNL'
<br />Loop 286, spoke in fawr ofthe petition, Mr� Michael states lie has two therapists that did
<br />not come to Paris because they could not find housing, Fie had one therapist that came and
<br />left because she was put oil it warling, list for rnonths. N4r. N`lichaels states, lie has a letter
<br />frorn one ofhis therapists that was Oil waiting list lor five months that drove 120 irides each
<br />day For work. Mr. Michael states that therapist has nioved into an apalln-lent Complex for
<br />senior citizens and lie is not a senior citizen, Mr. Michael asks Olat the board and citizens,
<br />