NVOUId consider approving the petition. N/Jr, Nlichael fin-ther stated his original plan was 16!
<br />a si
<br />rigle-family houlle as all i livem mera property but lie was approaclied by an invesior
<br />interested in purchasin : g the lot 10 Sl)lit it Up for three single -fun -lily homes. Mr. Michael
<br />states that prompted him to think abOUt adding adequate housing fbr his employees, He
<br />farther states his proposal is for an upscale' brick, triplex horne facing, the road, with the
<br />quadraplex offthe back of the property, Mr. Michael states it WOUld potentially ba gated
<br />community of 7 iinits. He further states lie understands safety concenis and the need f'or
<br />housing in the City of Paris, Mj% Michael states he hopes the board would consider
<br />approving the Petitiom
<br />Co.mimissimer AJ-jLlfl1ZMId Flashmi asked City staff it' the property COUld be divided into
<br />three properties f6r single family I'tonies, Carla.Fastori, City E-'ngineer states that we haven"I
<br />checked lbr that and would need to see if three separate properties would meet our zoning
<br />requireirient as \veH as how the prol..)eilies would be develoPed.
<br />Nan Garcia, resident of Continental Village Apartments, spoke in favor ofthe petition, Mr,
<br />Garcia stated lie is one ofthe atIfletic trainers that had trouble finding housing when lie
<br />inoved from FI. Worth in late July 2017. Fle states had it not been Cor as covvorker that
<br />allow,ed hirn to live with then, fim' two rrionths he would have not been able to accept thejob
<br />an(] live in Paris, Mr. Garcia gave four scenarios of'other coworkers that have liad sin -alar
<br />experiences with dj'fflCLdt),' finding housing in Ihe City of'Paris, N/Ir. Garcia asks (lie board
<br />to consider ajiproving the pctiflon.
<br />Public hearing was declared closed.
<br />Motion Nvas made by, Keith Flowers, seconded by C'Ila(i I-ee to deny the petition� Nlotion
<br />carried 6-0.
<br />Motion was niade by ArJumand I fashriii,, seco(:`lead by ( had Lindsey to bring, John Lee back into
<br />,he meeling. Motion carried 6-0,
<br />6) Collsiclel-ation twlion W7 the T'irmil Plot ql'Lois 2,8, N 30, 31, 32, 33 & 34, Bloek.4,
<br />Stone Rig.,,l,,,c Achlith,M Ph(tse 8, loew6W m the 4600 Block ol'BotehIer Liric,
<br />Carla Easton, C il� reviewed the filial plat with commissioners,
<br />Motion was made by Keith Flowers, seconded b d �a
<br />Motion carried 7-0. 1 y John Lee to approwe tile fili, p t,
<br />T Discussio)7 17elv multi -Plea (Avellitig Imi'l --oniIIA.
<br />Alan Ef'I'LISS'V, PlalIning Manager discussed potelifial newv mUlti-I)ICX dWellirlg Ullit Z011il-Ig
<br />options wide the board mernhers. The commissioners pi,ovided feedback to city staff%vilh
<br />exploring option 2. 'I'he genes -al COnSenSLIS of 1he board is, to leave the 21' zone; intact,
<br />