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MINUTES <br />PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION <br />CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS <br />107 E. KAUFMAN STREET <br />PARIS, TEXAS <br />MONDAY, APRIL 2, 201.8 <br />5:30 O'CLOCK P.M. <br />The meeting (�I'Ihe Planning and Zoning Commission -�iws� called to ordet- at 5:30 p.m. by <br />Keith Floivers, (,hairman, <br />The following members were present: James O'Bryan, Keith Flowers, Rick Hundley, <br />John Lee, Ariu.mand Hashnii and Chad Lindsey <br />Also present were John Godwin, City Manager; Carla Easton, City Engineer; <br />Stephanie Harris, City Attorney; Clyde Crows, Fire Marshal; Steve Clifford, Mayor; <br />Triniti Frazier, City Staff-, and concerned citizens. <br />2 Aivroval ofminutesftom preWous meetings. (17ebruaty 5, 201 8) <br />Motion was made by Ar umand Hashmi, seconded by John Lee to approve minutes for the <br />February 5, 2018 meeting, Motion carried 6-0. <br />3. Public hearing to consider and take action regarding the petition qlVames O'Bryan, <br />D. V. A4, fi)r a change in zoning fain a General Retail Distr-ict (G�) to a Commercial <br />District (C) ,Ibr a Veterinarian Clinic, in the Cio,� (?I'Paris, Block 32-(.,, Lot 2 being located <br />at 1029 Lamar A venue. <br />James O'Bryan recused himself from item 3. <br />Motion was made by Keith Flowers, seconded by John Lee to recuse James O'Bryan from <br />itern 3. Motion carried 5-0, <br />John Godwin, City Manager reviewed the existing land use, existing zoning, proposed land <br />use and proposed zoning with the commissioners. Mr. Godwin states that staff believes that <br />a veterinarian service is an important professional contribution to the City of Paris and <br />Lamar County, however, staff believes that veterinarian clinics that intend to service <br />horses, with associated trailers, and as necessary outside veterinarian service, represents <br />land uses that are too intensive for the zoning district and also this subject property is <br />located in proximity of existing single-family neighborhoods. Mr. Godwin states Lucy and <br />Harley Staley wanted to withdraw their letter of support for this petition. City staff <br />recommends denial of a change in zoning from a General Retai I (GR) Zoning District to a <br />Commercial District (C) for a Veterinarian clinic and kennels on property located at 1029 <br />Lamar Ave, <br />Public hearing was declared open. <br />