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Connie Justice, 1055 Lamar Avenue, spoke in opposition of the petition. Ms,, Justice states <br />that her property adjoining this clinic is a 14 -unit apartment complex with children and you <br />are putting noise and animals next to children. She is concerned for the children that will be <br />exposed to the chemicals used to kill the insects that are attracted to animals. Ms. Justice <br />states this property is her retirement plan and this will cut her incoine in half. She states this <br />clinic needs to go in a different area and not near her tenants and children 15 -feet away. <br />Ms. Justice further stated she read online on the amount of manure produced by horses and <br />that hay is used for bedding and she is concerned with how that can affect the city sewer. <br />Ms. Justice asked what happens to the dead animals and ammonia used to eliminate urine <br />smells and manure. Ms. Justice asks the board to vote no on this petition. <br />Robert Spain, 6,55 Church Street, spoke in favor of the petition. Mr. Spain states he was <br />previously on the Planning and Zoning board and they were able to place a review period <br />on the Specific Use Peirnits to ensure neighbors and everyone else around, that the <br />property owner does what they are supposed to do, If during that period the property owner <br />does not maintain what is specified they will forfeit their permit. Mr. Spain states any <br />Specific Use Permit should have some type of review process for 3-5 years. <br />Mike Malone, 3180 Marble Street, spoke in favor of the petition, Mr. Malone states a <br />Special Use Permit will address the concerns brought to you by the people in the <br />neighborhood. He is in favor to develop property in the community that is undeveloped. <br />Mr. Malone states he takes his zminials to Dr. O'Bryan and has experienced a clean, <br />organized veterinarian clinic and has not heard any noise. Mr. Malone states he believes <br />that Dr. O'Bryan would be a good neighbor for the community. <br />Dr. James O'Bryan, 2725 Clarksville, spoke in favor of the petition, Dr. OBryan states this <br />will be a professional veterinarian clinic centrally located for clients and is not in any way <br />wanting to force anyone to move. Dr. O'Bryan states that being a good neighbor is of <br />utmost importance. Dr. O'Bryan states this is a closed, contained building where animals <br />will be secure and appointments are scheduled for specific purposes, where animals are <br />treated and discharged. Dr. O'Bryan further states lie is currently operating in the city <br />limits now with no con-iplaints. <br />Commissioner Flowers asked Dr. O'Bryan if this is approved can some type of screening <br />be placed between the properties to address some of the citizens' concerns. Dr. O'Bryan <br />stated that the type of insulation used will prevent noise as well as sound deafening devices <br />will be in place. <br />Ruth Ann Harris, 1005 Lamar Avenue, spoke in opposition of the petition. Ms. Harris <br />asked how many people have large animals inside the city limits. She states large animals <br />are on large acres of land and this lot is too close to other people. <br />